Waste handling and waste storage

Collecting yards, or in general collection of waste will take care of all types of waste. Both ferrous and non-ferrous metals, paper, hazardous waste, printed circuit boards of PC, car batteries and accumulators, electronic waste or biological waste belongs only to a special sampling sites.

Tomáš Jakoubek

Likvidace - odpady Elektrikářské práce Poradenství - topení Topenářské práce Montáž - radiátory - topení v budovách - plynové kotle Bourací práce Výkopové práce Obkladačské práce - dlaždičské práce Rekonstrukce - koupelnyzednické práce Montáž - potrubí

Daniel Hartmann

Container removal of rubble, soil rental - containers Transportation: - material sand for concrete and mortar, mulching bark for gardens, gravel from quarries of various sizes Removal and disposal: - construction debris - excavation soils - municipal waste - wood Excavation work by machine (excavation of foundations, water and sewage connections) - ground leveling - JCB backhoe loader.

Awast, a.s.

Services: -environmental Protection - rehabilitation of old environmental burdens -processing of risk analyses - supervisory activity -ecological surveys of contaminated sites - consulting in the field of the environment -environmental engineering - disposal of hazardous waste