Vladislav Štědrý
Doprava - nákladní vnitrostátní a mezinárodní Autojeřábnické práce Manipulace s odpady
Doprava - nákladní vnitrostátní a mezinárodní Autojeřábnické práce Manipulace s odpady
Likvidace - odpady Elektrikářské práce Poradenství - topení Topenářské práce Montáž - radiátory - topení v budovách - plynové kotle Bourací práce Výkopové práce Obkladačské práce - dlaždičské práce Rekonstrukce - koupelnyzednické práce Montáž - potrubí
Sale - hot water - plumbing material - heating material. Heating works. Plumbing work. Gas works. Cleaning - sewage pipes with a high-pressure machine.
Ekologická likvidace eternitu Klempířské práce Pokrývačské práce (specialista na lehké střešní krytiny)montáž - trapézové a rovinné plechy - střešní doplňky Dodávka - střešní krytiny - specialista na lehké střešní krytiny Montáž - střešní okna
Odvoz - odpady z demolic Demolice traktor, bagr, VOLVO, bagr NEW HOLAND, otočný bagr KOMATSU Zemní práce
- - kontejnerová doprava do 4t, 8t Vnitrostátní nákladní doprava Nakládání s odpady Zemní práce (minibagr)
Redemption: -iron - non-ferrous metals. Sorting, processing: -metal trash. Demolition of steel structures and equipment. Own container service. Supply of steel charge for smelters and foundries.
Scrap metal: - purchase and processing of scrap metal - disposal of car wrecks - purchase of paper
Services: - rental of containers - removal of debris and waste - debris disposal - container transport - import of gravel, sand and other building materials
Waste management services. Removal of all types of waste throughout the Czech Republic. I perform turnkey waste management.
The company DAMARIS SOLUTIONS .s.r.o. from Brno helps implement various corporate plans. He analyzes the situation and proposes a solution, assesses everything according to applicable legislation, prepares all documents, finds a suitable supplier and helps with the management of a specific project.
Export of septic tanks, cesspools and sumps. Road transport.
Maintenance of roads, traffic signs. Maintenance of public greenery. Installation, maintenance of public lighting. Management of playgrounds. Collection of municipal waste, export of waste bins Operation of the collection yard.
Management of municipal, industrial and hazardous waste. Storage of soil, construction debris.
The company focuses on turnkey deliveries in the field of energy, gas and waste management. In the field of chemistry and oil processing, Oil&Gas industrial technology is a key area. We provide 3D projecting and process design.
Ostrava recultivace s.r.o. formerly named NAJMISI s. r. o. focuses on the rental of machinery and equipment for construction and industry.
Advice: - waste management - ecological - environmental. Oils, lubricants - sales agency Morava. Cleaning cotton. E-shop, sales: - textile.
Waste management. We will provide you with dismantling, disposal, removal and processing of your waste. We also buy metals.
Container removal of rubble, soil rental - containers Transportation: - material sand for concrete and mortar, mulching bark for gardens, gravel from quarries of various sizes Removal and disposal: - construction debris - excavation soils - municipal waste - wood Excavation work by machine (excavation of foundations, water and sewage connections) - ground leveling - JCB backhoe loader.
Services: - road transport - removal of faeces - earthworks - cleaning of apartments, cellars, attics
Cleaning and monitoring of pipe systems.
Crafts, services - surface treatments by spraying, painting, sanding - CAMAXIT powder coating - recycling of raw materials by pressing into briquettes, packets, crushing Recycling, sale, redemption - metals - secondary materials - hazardous waste processing Container transport
Services: -environmental Protection - rehabilitation of old environmental burdens -processing of risk analyses - supervisory activity -ecological surveys of contaminated sites - consulting in the field of the environment -environmental engineering - disposal of hazardous waste