Pamper your canine pets in studios, spas and hotels. Waiting is full of care, accommodation, babysitting, regular dog walking, long walks, shearing, medical treatment, treatments, nails, bathing, feeding according to the custom, any administration of drugs and other activities.

Hotel for cats Mourek, based in Úvaly near Prague, offers temporary accommodation for 25 cats in spacious boxes. This is accommodation with round-the-clock supervision in a brick building in the garden of the owner's family house in spacious boxes measuring 120x120 cm. Each cat is housed individually in a spacious box measuring 120x120 cm. The ...

Services: - cutting - trimming - overall treatment of dogs.

- House, office cleaning. - Watching pets.

E-shop with raw meat for dogs and other assortment of dog nutrition and fur care. We offer cutting and grooming of dogs with the option of visiting the owner's home.