Take advantage of the advice in the field of human resource management, investment, education, career, human resources, or when changing jobs. Get advice you can even when the interest on the financing of environmental heating or in obtaining subsidies not only on ecological construction.

Services - economic and business consulting - marketing, finding new business partners.

The city administration of social services provides support and assistance to users in the form of residential, field and outpatient services. The facilities we operate include homes for the elderly, day hospitals, boarding houses for the elderly, nursing services and a home for the disabled. The headquarters of our organization is located at ...

Activity: - consulting services in the field of management systems, implementation of process models, assessment and declaration of conformity of products and expert assessment.

Activity: - provision of subsidies and grants from the European Union - marketing and education in the areas of subsidies from the EU - processing turnkey projects

Consulting for start-ups, small and medium-sized companies in the Czech Republic, the EU and abroad in the areas of: - Trade & Export - business and marketing plans (HIPPVY, 6P) - distribution channels - OZ - route plans, audits, OJT, route performance criteria, coverage - managerial reporting - external assessment and ...

Services: - corporate education - courses for companies - subsidy consultancy

Services: -energy audit -certificate of the energy efficiency of the building - energy assessment -subsidy programs

Services: - consultancy in the creation of jobs, their search and creation - exhibitions, lectures - organizing social, sports and cultural activities - operation of club facilities, interest groups

Center for Clinical and Traffic Psychology.

Kinesiology and family constellations - psychological counseling.

Psychological counseling and diagnostics.

Our services: - implementation and maintenance of the quality management system and others

Services: -safety and Health protection during work - fire prevention -environmental Protection -waste management - processing of organizational standards of the company -conducting selection procedures and searching for employees - processing analyzes of the personal and work profile of employees - implementation and processing of ...