Take advantage of the advice in the field of human resource management, investment, education, career, human resources, or when changing jobs. Get advice you can even when the interest on the financing of environmental heating or in obtaining subsidies not only on ecological construction.

Offering double-entry bookkeeping, payroll processing, VAT return, road tax and accounting reconstruction. The possibility of outputs in German

Coach, lecturer, therapist - individual and team coaching - corporate and managerial education - psychotherapy - accredited coach of the Czech Association of Coaches.

Services: - we monitor the development of IFRS rules and actively work on their implementation in the Czech environment -we help companies with the preparation of financial statements -we cooperate with auditors in the verification of financial statements -we train users of the rules

Offer consultancy in the field of business development and management, planning, management, processes, strategy and development of business, marketing, product. 1. Analysis Market segmentation, analysis of the market environment and product portfolio, internal company processes and organizations, SWOT... 2. Planning Business development ...

Psychological counseling and diagnostics.

Accompanying a foreign trade delegation - organization of trade missions - ensuring a visit for fairs and presentation events and others.

Consulting services in the field of foreign trade.

Psychological counseling - psychodiagnostics - psychotherapy.

Personnel consulting, Executive Search.

Personnel consulting. Services in the field of searching for senior management, human resources and company development.

Individual and family art therapy, art therapy for adults and children - painting on silk.

Providing business advice in the automotive industry, banking and marketing.

We provide clients with comprehensive consulting, legal, accounting, insurance and other professional services that will help them maintain and develop their business activities. We will consult with the client on his new business plans and advise him on a suitable business strategy for establishing and managing a company, provide complete ...

TAKT - consulting and consulting, a.s. has been dealing with psychological counseling in companies, offices and institutions for 25 years. For his consulting work, he mainly uses psychological diagnosis of employees, job applicants, but also diagnosis of work groups and teams, the environment of companies and its external environment - the market.

Services: - psychotherapy - psychological counseling