In the case of psychological problems it is advisable to visit the psychological counseling center, where you can consult with the individual psychological difficulties such as depression, nervousness, anxiety, and low self-esteem, migraines, insomnia, tics, education or relationships.

Drug Center. Contact center for drug addicts. Offer services: - drug counseling -crisis center - free time program - psychotherapeutic help - health care -social service: - help with processing documents -assistance in meetings at the Labor Office - assistance in dealing with the Health Insurance Company -intervention ...

Kinesiology. Healing: -pain and problems of body and psyche -dyslexia (learning disabilities, concentration) -treme -self confidence -allergy -dependencies of smoking, alcohol, etc.

Services - regression therapy - individual sessions, courses.

Counseling in the field of family, civil, property and commercial disputes, teaching activities

Kroměříž workplace. Educational and Psychological Counselling. Facilities for further education of teaching staff.