In the case of psychological problems it is advisable to visit the psychological counseling center, where you can consult with the individual psychological difficulties such as depression, nervousness, anxiety, and low self-esteem, migraines, insomnia, tics, education or relationships.

Digitus Mise, z.u.
Digitus Mise, z.ú. is a provider of social services. The company was established primarily for the purpose of providing social field services. Our belief is that offering the provision of social care in citizens' households should be the first offer of the type of social assistance, only in the second place all the offered institutional ...
Nursing service Městec Králové, s.r.o. provides social services to seniors, persons with reduced self-sufficiency or with disabilities. We provide care services to clients in the field or outpatient form, as well as personal assistance or relief services in their home natural environment. We also operate a rental of compensatory aids. Care ...

Psychoanalytic consultant Mgr. Petra Urbanová is dedicated to individual and group psychoanalytic therapy, psychoanalytic counseling and coaching. You can find me in Mladá Boleslav on Šafaříkova Street. I offer the following services: - psychoanalytic counseling - individual, group psychoanalytic therapies - couple counseling - ...

Mrs. Ing. Maria Baudyšová Jirků specializes in astrology, compiling horoscopes and hand energy therapy. Astrology is a field that allows us to see into the human soul and reveal the future. On request, we prepare personal, partner and children's horoscopes, we also offer forecasts and interpretations of horoscopes. We also deal with medical ...

Advisory, control, consultation and training activities in the field of health and safety processing and management - documentation Processing and management - complete documentation in the field of PO Advisory, control, consulting and training activities in the field of PO Psychological counseling - psychodiagnosis

Psychological therapy: - Emotional Freedom Techniques - EFT - Matrix Reimprinting (MR) - Matrix Rebirth.

Services: - social activation service for families - social housing - family rehabilitation

ONE BRAIN KINESIOLOGY is a gentle but effective method for promoting health and well-being. It will relieve you of stress and chronic fatigue, increase your self-confidence, solve relationship problems and learning difficulties. It will help you manage overweight and anorexia, quit smoking and get rid of phobias and psychosomatic problems.

Psychiatry. Clinical psychology. Gerontopsychiatry. Sexology.

Activity: - psychotherapy - personal development.

Civic counseling, counseling - we provide services to people and families who find themselves in a difficult life situation.

Services for the non - profit sector. Counseling, education

A writer focusing on personal and spiritual development. Publishing and publishing activities (publishing only of own work) Consulting activity - personal and spiritual development - partnerships - self-knowledge, self-development - astrology - psychological counseling

Advisory and consulting activities in the field of personal development for families and individuals. The EDU-MIR New Possibilities Center in Benešov near Prague offers a holistic approach to a person's internal changes for him emotional balance, restoring vitality and quality of life, harmonizing relationships, improving communication in the ...

Services - psychotherapy - kinesiology.

Services: - psychological services in human resources - coaching.

Services: - psychologist and psychotherapist - psychotherapy - psychological counseling - crisis intervention

Services - trainings, seminars, trainings for practical acquisition of attitudes, skills - program for top managers - coaching.

ONT elimination of negative topics, courses and seminars ONT, Podebrady kinesiology stress management, positive thinking, relationships, learning disabilities. Personal development in Poděbrady. Negative memories of the deep past, open to infinite potential. Therapeutic codes, quantum method. Negative memories can be solved ONT. Eliminate ...