In the case of psychological problems it is advisable to visit the psychological counseling center, where you can consult with the individual psychological difficulties such as depression, nervousness, anxiety, and low self-esteem, migraines, insomnia, tics, education or relationships.

Services: - counseling and therapeutic help for children, youth and their parents - comprehensive psychological diagnostics - individual work with victims, aggressors - provision of eight-week stays at SVP boarding departments. Intended for: - children from 6 years of age and youth up to the end of secondary education with educational ...

Daily rehabilitation hospital for mentally and physically handicapped children and youth.

Day Care Center: - for clients with moderate to severe mental or combined disabilities between the ages of 6 and 30. Early Care Counseling. - for families with children with mental, physical and combined disabilities and families with children with threatened or uneven development, from birth to 7 years of age.

Social care services - prevention including social counseling - rehabilitation - accommodation services

Children's Center Jihlava, an allowance organization, provides health, rehabilitation and psychosocial care to children from birth to three years of age. Our facility offers immediate assistance, we focus on children whose families cannot, cannot or do not want to care for them as a last resort. We provide comprehensive care for children who are ...

Services: - coaching - supervisor, supervision - personality development counseling - psychological counseling.

We provide project and grant consultancy services: - vocational training of employees, - reduction of VOCs from paint shops, - primary care for children. Among other things, you can also visit our University of Conscious Life and educational courses: - communication school, - weekend course of conscious living, - brain and self-confidence ... helps people with disabilities: - online social counseling - debt, civil, psychological counseling - hearing, visual and physical disabilities - e-line (trust line). Organizing courses for people with disabilities: - English and German language for beginners - basics of operating a personal computer - communication ...

Services - psychotherapy - consulting activity.

Psychological counseling and diagnostics. Psychotherapy.

Private psychological counseling.

Psychological help in a difficult life situation - individual and couple psychological counseling and psychotherapy Individual psychological counseling and psychotherapy - anxiety, sadness, loneliness, shyness, relationship problems. Areas of individual psychotherapy and counseling - Low self-confidence - Problems in establishing ...