In the case of psychological problems it is advisable to visit the psychological counseling center, where you can consult with the individual psychological difficulties such as depression, nervousness, anxiety, and low self-esteem, migraines, insomnia, tics, education or relationships.

Courses - psychotherapy Psychological counseling - psychotherapy

Day service center - support for parents with children with disabilities

Psychological counseling during pregnancy, after childbirth and in the early childhood of the child

Pedagogical consulting - coaching Psychological counseling

Bach flower therapy - consultancy Regression of the organism from a psychological point of view.

Psychological counseling. Family therapy. Diagnostics.

Organizing - seminars - courses Alternative medicine Providing - regression psychotherapy Energy massages - reiki therapy - craniosacral therapy

Psychological counseling for difficulties in interpersonal communication, intense anxiety, emotional problems, addictions, eating disorders

Courses - coaching personality development, problem solving, search for personal satisfaction Psychological counseling

Graphological analysis of the font Shamballa Reiki and Reiki - regression therapy - SRT Spiritual Response Therapy - protective energy and cleansing energy - kinesiology Therapy - psychotherapy - harmonization.

Psychotherapy Center - connecting psychiatric and psychotherapeutic care - a combination of psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy - personality disorders - addiction to alcohol and addictive substances - problems in relationships - work with emotions and impulses - depressive and anxiety disorders