In the case of psychological problems it is advisable to visit the psychological counseling center, where you can consult with the individual psychological difficulties such as depression, nervousness, anxiety, and low self-esteem, migraines, insomnia, tics, education or relationships.

Activity: - psychotherapy - deep abreactive therapy (regression).

Courses, seminars - Transcendental meditation. Additional address: - Miroslav Polyclinic, Kostelni 1, Miroslav.

Services - trainings, seminars, trainings for practical acquisition of attitudes, skills - program for top managers - coaching.

ONT elimination of negative topics, courses and seminars ONT, Podebrady kinesiology stress management, positive thinking, relationships, learning disabilities. Personal development in Poděbrady. Negative memories of the deep past, open to infinite potential. Therapeutic codes, quantum method. Negative memories can be solved ONT. Eliminate ...

Psychological counseling and diagnostics. Lectures.

Healthy living: - proposals for apartment equipment - personal development and counseling - automatic drawing.

Aromatrapie - for individuals, for groups, business strategies. Massage, reconditioning and regeneration services. Psychological counseling, healthy lifestyle counseling. Accommodation services and relaxation stays (in the Helfštýn - Týn na Bečovu fort).

Supervision and coaching. Individual supervision, team, direct, group supervision, management supervision. In the field of social, medical and education. Specialization in crisis supervision.

Activity: - free material assistance to people who, for whatever reason, find themselves in an acute emergency. - employment for the long-term unemployed and the disabled - affordable material equipment for socially weaker fellow citizens. We offer the opportunity to donate new textiles and preserved household equipment. Contact another ...

General practitioner's office for adults. Psychotherapy. Rehabilitation.

Activity: - counseling, consultations in the field of professional life - personality development - coaching - conflict solving.

Services: - clinical psychology - psychotherapy and psychosomatics

Psychotherapeutic center: - psychotherapy - coaching - Rolfterapie - structural integration - work with voice

Accredited educational company. Services, consulting and training in the areas of: - pedagogy, psychology and management - self-knowledge, communication and emotional intelligence - methods and forms of pedagogical work, formative evaluation - provision of customs services in the field of evaluation - development of formative evaluation ...

Psychotherapy center - hypnotherapy - individual, couple psychotherapy - crisis intervention - psychodiagnostics - psychological counseling - relaxation - group psychotherapy.

Services: - coaching - personal development.

Development and therapeutic center: - psychological counseling - coaching.

Services: - personal development: - psychotherapy, coaching, 3d psychodiagnostics.