Management counselling

Management consulting can help any novice to invest or leader of working team. Consulting focuses on performance improvement, strategy and marketing, project financing, internal audit, human resources and change and project management.

VIAXERA s.r.o.

Our company focuses on a wide range of activities, which include sophisticated security system designs, including the specification of specific outputs and useful properties for the customer. Process design and management We can professionally define business processes and procedures that will provide you with specifications of key activities and technologies needed to create a safe…

Czechia - Moravia spol. s r.o.

Consulting for economics, law and human resources management - analysis of the current situation in terms of economy, law and human resources - designing savings and ways to increase work efficiency - searching for optimal ways of financing All in the form of external consultancy or temporary management of the company. We focus primarily on companies in the manufacturing industry.

ProMG, s.r.o.

Corporate consulting. Automotive. Subsidy consulting. Consulting in the field of management and development. Implementation of system standards requirements according to: ISO 9001 - QMS, ISO 14001 - EMS, OHSAS 18001 - OHS, SQAS, GMP+, HACCP, BRC, ISO 22000, ISO/TS 16949:2002, ISCC Projects for improving the performance of companies: Excellence Model, Benchmarking, Process Optimization,…

Středočeské inovační centrum, spolek

Středočeské inovační centrum, spolek se sídlem Praha, je organizace, která podporuje inovace a podnikání ve Středočeském kraji. Nabízí různé služby a programy pro malé a střední firmy, start-upy, vědecká centra a výzkumné organizace. Jeho hlavní cíle jsou: - Propojovat vědu a praxi, přenášet technologie a poznatky z výzkumu do aplikací, které řeší společenské výzvy. - Pomáhat firmám růst…

ToCorporate, s.r.o.

ToCorporate, s.r.o., is a key representative of the corporate consulting segment. As the first in this industry, it provides comprehensive advice regarding changes in legislation as a result of the re-codification of civil law, which occurred as a result of the adoption of the new Civil Code (Act No. 89/2012 Coll.), the Act on Business Corporations (Act No. 90/2012 Coll. .), the Act on certain…

iq FIRMA s.r.o.

iq FIRMA actively monitors modern trends in individual sectors of company costs for you, from energy, financial products, digitization of documents, software to cleaning services. We can comprehensively organize your cost items and supplement them with the smartest products currently on the market with the aim of significant cost savings and increasing your competitiveness.

Jiránek Community s.r.o.

Investment services and business services. B2B, B2C, improving the performance of organizations, managerial management of companies, strategic management and employee motivation. Veterans Division: Supply and demand - vintage cars, oldtimers and historic vehicles. Cars in original condition or renovated cars. We work with Czech, European and American car brands. Car service division: Car…

M&A Aliance s.r.o.

Crisis management - solving and preventing crisis situations in business Purchase of indebted companies. Liquidation of companies. Crisis counseling. Tax optimization. Repurchase of debtor's liabilities from creditors. Restructuring of liabilities. Debt collection. Protection against enemy takeover. Solving non-standard situations in business. Out-of-court settlement of commercial disputes.