European subsidies can support your plans. A specialized company will help you with the evaluation plan, drafting the grant application, administration, and management and analysis of grant opportunities. Let you help and get the european, state or regional grant.

I have my clientele in many areas. Due to the services I offer, I focus on customers from both the public and private spheres. Among the satisfied clients are cities, municipalities, companies and small and medium-sized enterprises, etc. I have ten years of experience in the field of subsidies. I search for, design, write and manage national and ...

Activity: - implementation of construction contracts and the provision of specialized legal and financial services - rehabilitation of concrete structures and reconstruction of buildings - grouting and remediation of cracks, grouting of leaks and remediation of wet masonry. Education.

Services: - custom programming - preparation of applications for subsidies - processing, processing of subsidies from structural funds from the EU and monitoring of subsidies - management, accounting processing.

Regional grant center eNovation s.r.o. is a consulting company that helps its clients support their business with public support. We will provide for you: - Consultation of project plans - Identification of suitable grant titles (grant audit) - Formulation of business plan and feasibility study - Processing of complete grant application - ...

Activity: - provision of subsidies and grants from the European Union - marketing and education in the areas of subsidies from the EU - processing turnkey projects

Services: - subsidy management - processing of development documents - analyses, strategies, surveys - consulting in the field of business

Consulting services in the field of local and regional development and in the field of environmental quality management - preparation of applications and implementation of projects - evaluation of EU programs. Prague office: Vlkova 7 130 00 Prague 3 Kroftova 18 150 00 Prague 5

Services: - corporate education - courses for companies - subsidy consultancy

Services: -energy audit -certificate of the energy efficiency of the building - energy assessment -subsidy programs

Services: - rental of non-residential premises - IT services - advertising activity - subsidy consultancy

Services: - management, processing of accounting - Business valuation - processing projects for subsidies from EU structural funds.

Advice - subsidies - grants. Civic Association - development of the region.

Advisory and consulting activities, processing of professional studies and assessments - processing applications to EU programs - conducting questionnaire surveys among citizens - complete provision of public contracts - processing of business plans.

Services: - language courses, language teaching - management courses - expert advice on EU funds - organization of company events, receptions, celebrations, tournaments