In the menu of computer and internet services, see the administration and provision of computer network and internet connection, web hosting, creating web pages, programming applications, telecommunications services, business information systems or IT consulting.

Services - web design - SEO optimization - customized application - marketing.

Services: - programming - IT services

Services - web design - creating a web presentation.

Services - promotion and advertising - creation of internet presentations of municipalities and cities - creating applications.

Activity: - computer services - website creation.

Services: - website creation - web application programming.

Advertising Agency - web design - Internet advertising.

Computing: - PC service and PC tuning - complete laptop service - creation and maintenance of WWW pages - network design and management - data backup and recovery - PC construction and rebuilding - PC cleaning and noise reduction - internet provision, web hosting - DVD Authoring - mobile phone service - graphic designs, ...

Industrial control systems Intelligent transport systems Information Systems Research and Development

IT, PC, Apple service and repairs Sale - hardware - software - components - LCD monitors - printers - with accessories - custom PC construction Advice - computer technology

Providing comprehensive services in the field of creation and management of Internet projects and software applications.

Service, management and sales - security technology - camera systems Sale - telecommunications technology Service and management - telecommunications technology Sale - computing Service, administration - computing Designs and web presentations

Control and visualization software - software for managing production lines.

Software development for hospitals and laboratories. Sales and service of medical and laboratory equipment - instrument technology - surgical instruments.

Advertising Agency - advertising production - promotional items - web design.

Consultation and design of IT solutions Delivery and implementation of technologies System support

Sales, service, rental, leasing: - computing technology (computers), printers - telecommunications (telephones, telephone switchboard) -Mobile Phones -copiers and office equipment (fax), shredding machines and consumables - registration desks - security and communication systems, computer networks, -software - connection to the ...

Development, production: - microwave connections Services: - data (internet, server hosting) - vocal.

-Advisory and consulting activities, processing of professional studies and assessments -Preparation and elaboration of technical proposals, graphic and drawing work -Advertising activity, marketing, media representation -Design, design, arrangement activities and modeling -Services in the field of administrative administration and services of ...

Services: - development of custom SW, - sale of hardware, software, - outsourcing of IT services, - professional training.

Software. Assurance: -consultation - counseling - creation of tailor-made solutions - system integration - ensuring complex deliveries - subcontracting parts of the solution - creation of an introductory study - analysis and design of the information system -training, computer courses -management of your technologies -system support - ...

HUGATE s.r.o. - advertising agency Žamberk, advertising Žamberk, graphic studio, advertising stickers and car wraps, tinting of car windows - Bruxafol, professional graphics and printed materials, comprehensive graphic services, DTP, design, creation www.

Repairs, service, sales, - computing - computers - laptops - monitors - UPS - printers - power supplies. - atypical electronics Sale: - computers - laptops - printers - peripherals - Consumables - software Repairs and maintenance of office machines and computers.

Wholesale, installation, upgrading: - computing - complete services in the field of HW, SW - workstation prophylaxis - upgrade - solution suggestions - internet - telephone lines.