Jan Procházka, mediPROsoft
Poradenství - výpočetní technika a její využití ve zdravotnictví
Poradenství - výpočetní technika a její využití ve zdravotnictví
Activity: - sale and assembly of computer technology - services in the field of internet and multimedia presentation - computer network management
Development, creation: - website - internet applications
Service, repair and installation - computers, laptops, PCs. Web design - website creation. SEO optimization, creation of e-shops.
Zastavárna Poradenství - výpočetní technika
Advertising marketing - Internet consulting - web design.
Services: - custom software development
Prodej - mobilní telefony - osobní počítače IBM, TESCO, AUTOCONT - tiskárny - scannery - doplňky. Projekce a instalace - sítě.
Network management. Service and repair of computers, PCs, laptops. Creation of websites, web design.
Services: - custom programming - preparation of applications for subsidies - processing, processing of subsidies from structural funds from the EU and monitoring of subsidies - management, accounting processing.
- Provision of software, consulting in the field of information technology, data processing, hosting and related activities and web portals -Advertising activity, marketing, media representation
Services: - administration of database systems - software development - server and network management
- Provision of software, consulting in the field of information technology, data processing, hosting and related activities and web portals -Advertising activity, marketing, media representation -Preparation and elaboration of technical proposals, graphic and drawing work
- Mediation of business and services -Wholesale and retail - Provision of software, consulting in the field of information technology, data processing, hosting and related activities and web portals -Preparation and elaboration of technical proposals, graphic and drawing work -Testing, measurement, analysis and control -Advertising activity, marketing, media representation -Design, design,…
- Engineering activity in investment construction -Operation of special vehicles (in free trade mode) -Specialized construction activities -Preparatory work for buildings
Services: - automation - development of customer SW and HW - metrology services and meter calibration
Development, delivery: - Nortns software for standardizing time consumption in engineering
Services: - accounting processing - tax advice -Courses and training - web design - programming activity
Services: - IT services - implementation of computer networks
Retail, sales, repair, service: -computing - web design - computer services
-Poskytování služeb pro zemědělství, zahradnictví, rybníkářství, lesnictví a myslivost -Vydavatelské činnosti, polygrafická výroba, knihařské a kopírovací práce -Výroba, rozmnožování, distribuce, prodej, pronájem zvukových a zvukově-obrazových záznamů a výroba nenahraných nosičů údajů a záznamů -Výroba měřicích, zkušebních, navigačních, optických a fotografických přístrojů a zařízení -Výroba…
Services: - complete service in the field of computer technology