Programming computer applications in Java, C++ or PHP, network administration, hardware and software audit, software application development, information systems and programs, licensing belongs to a large group of computer services that you can use.

Services - Custom software development

Information systems services - information and communication technologies - Mobile application.

Services: - custom development of web, mobile and desktop applications - server administration

Delivery - Information Systems - software applications. Services - IT / IS outsourcing - accounting processing - payroll and human resources processing.

Services - development, administration, testing and operation of information systems.

Services - production of advertising - stamps - printing - hosting - network management - Internet Access. Sale - PC kits - laptops - monitors - printers.

Development, implementation, support: - information systems for healthcare

Services: - data network management - webdesign - creation of applications, content management systems

Activity: - page coding - web application programming - domain registration

Services - SEO website optimization.

Services: - custom database application programming and programming of communications between information systems for medium and large companies. Sale: - hardware

Activity: - development of software, database applications and information systems - website creation

Services - programming - administration of servers and metropolitan networks - IT outsourcing.

Services - security and management of data networks - antivirus solutions, data backup - data protection by encryption - webdesign - web hosting.

Services - programming of control systems.

Services - photography, photographer - webdesign - programming, coding.

Sale: - database software and programs for pedagogical-psychological counseling.

Activity: - IT services - webdesign - software application development

Sales, repair, service: - computers - laptops Services: - modernization of computers - software services - consulting

Activity: - development, implementation and service of software applications in healthcare.

Services: - creation of mobile applications for iPhone, iPad.

Services: - webdesign - graphic work - website creation - content management systems, e-shops - SEO