
Stamps are an integral part of any office, den and office. Let, therefore, produce stamps-square, round, oval, rectangular, stamps with ornaments, QR code, photos, official stamp, corporate stamp or stamps for schoolchildren.

NEOS v.o.s.

Poskytování internetu. -LAN realizace sítí. Velkoobchod, maloobchod, záruční a pozaruční servis: -tiskárny -výpočetní technika -kancelářská technika Návrh, realizace, výroba: -reklamní kampaň. -reklamní bannery pro internetové reklamní kampaně. Služby: -tvorba Webdesign, webových stránek, prezentací, www -webhosting -internetové prezentace -kompletní grafické…

IBS s.r.o.

Sales and service, online store, e-shop: -internet (IBS distribution network) - printers - office software -LCD televisions, television -cameras, cameras -refurbished computers, PCs and accessories. Production of stamps: -stamp production pending - raster printing principle with a resolution of up to 1200 dpi - option to print photos -font size from 4 points - thin lines and the…

Antonín Šrajer

Advertising Corap Advertising Agency. Production, installation: - advertising panels. Lease: -advertising areas in the region, Czech Republic Advertisement: -self-adhesive film, light advertising, painting on the facades of houses. Printing: - business cards, catalogs, company shields. Production: -stamps.

ŠIPKA HB, s.r.o.

Sales, e-hosp, repairs, service: -computers, laptops -keyboards, mice, game controllers - faxes -monitors -software and games -processors, memories - multifunctional copiers - mobile phones, phones from T-mobile -tariff offer, Twist cards -Internet -game settings -check cash registers -calculators and typewriters -faxes and mobile phones Production: - date and numbering stamps …

FIBOX, s.r.o.

Production: -stamps - business card printing -occasional announcements - flyers -posters -catalogues -postcard - technical publications - prospectuses - printed materials -interior and exterior billboards -car stickers -cut advertising -books. Work: - graphic - copying - creation of www pages - photo printing - large format printing -personalized printing.

PROSS reklama s.r.o.

Advertising, advertising agency: - graphic designs, logotypes - light - full service. Production, printing: - business cards - leaflets, complete printed materials - promotional materials - advertising sheets - billboards - catalogs, calendars, books. DTP studio. Cut advertising on the plotter: - inscriptions, car decals, car tarps, advertising signs - foil banners. …

Daniel Reichman

REPROPRINT Complete services in the field of advertising, promotion and printing: - carved self-adhesive advertising (billboards, shop windows, cars, computers) -production of printed materials (advertising flyers, posters, newspapers, magazines, prospectuses, brochures, catalogs, invitations, New Year's cards, calendars, letterhead, envelopes, business cards, wedding announcements) …

Schausberger, obaly a tisk, s.r.o.

Výroba, prodej: -Obaly, -skládačky, -krabice a bedny ze skládačkových, -kašírovaných a vlnitých lepenek s ofsetovým potiskem, -parciálním lakováním, -vysekávané, -s 1- až 6-bodovým lepením, -transparentní vlepovaná okénka.

PROFESS, s.r.o.

Bookbinding-services: -binding of diploma theses -binding of books, magazines, collections of laws -passport -production of swatches -gilding Advertisement: -graphic processing of the submitted proposal (complete pre-press, as own film production) we offer: -stickers for advertising signs -sticker stickers, trucks and cars -stickers of various information boards and boards …

JIV - Věra Bučilová

Účetní adresa - kancelář firmy: -Jihlava, Žižkova 44, tel., fax:567310554. Prodej, maloobchod: -kopírovací stroje -analogové -digitální černobílé -digitální color zn.MINOLTA (nové i repasované) -tiskárny černobílé a barevné MINOLTA -spotřební materiál na kopírovací stroje - xerografické papíry, tonery MINOLTA, CANON, MITA, TOSHIBA, XEROX -HSM skartovací stroje …

Lepart, s.r.o.

Comprehensive advertising services, production: -signs and graphics from quality Multifix vinyl foils with warranty -large format printing - interior design -exterior design (120 week color guarantee) - printing of car sails, vinyl banners and advertising tennis banners (including graphic motifs in Swiss PRINTCOLOR colors) - American retouching (airbrush) - hand-sprayed color motifs to…

HINK creativ media

Reklamní a komunikační agentura. Služby: -reklamní grafické i audiovizuální návrhy a realizace - počítačová grafika -příprava komunikačních strategií a jejich realizace -public relations -reklamní předměty -tisk letáků (letáky) -videofilmy a audiovizuální díla, natáčení a nelineární střih filmů a reklamních spotů -multimediální prezentace - počítačové animace -provoz služby…

ETIS s.r.o.

ETIS Ltd., operating in the Highlands, focuses its activities on offset and large format printing. Offset printing (printer): -color brochures -brožury -books -periodic prints -presses - labels -calendars -catalogues -business cards and other printed matter up to A2 Services: -print on self-adhesive and self-copy paper -book processing V1, V2, V8 -copying, color and black &…