Photographer. Photographic services. Photo studio: Vajgar 728 housing estate 37701 Jindrichuv Hradec (former Telekom building)

Retail, sale: - textiles - leather goods. Services: - collection, feather cleaning.

Internet portal Information for tourists and residents of the areas: - current events - culture - restaurant - sport - accommodation - tips for trips - business and more. Office: Panská 102 (above Kozlovná Měšťan) Jindřichův Hradec 377 01

Services: - non-invasive liposuction - lymphatic drainage - permanent epilation - non-invasive lifting - chemical peeling.

Solar studio - solarium - sale of solar cosmetics.

Services: - creation of websites, e-shops - webdesign - online marketing - Graphic Design - Mobile application

Services: - Massages - rehabilitation exercises.

Services, consulting: - establishing companies - tax, economic and accounting advice - bookkeeping and payroll - purchase of real estate.

RAINBOW Help Center: - cognitive development - therapy - psychological counseling for adults and children. Translations, interpreting: - Italian - Czech and vice versa.

Services: - domestic and international delivery transport - logistics - forwarding - storage

Sales and service - economic and business software - computers, printers, laptops. E-shop - computers - Mobile Phones - cash register systems - tablets, readers - TVs.

Wincott People is an international group of companies specializing in employee search and selection - we offer a complete service in the field of personnel consulting.

Olomouc School of Astrology: - teaching astrology - compiling and unloading horoscopes - astrological and psychological advice - personnel consulting - elaboration of a horoscope - help with partnership problems, selection of a suitable partner, selection employees.

Repair, service, services: - computers, laptops - data recovery.

Full-service advertising agency, creating graphic designs, design and promotional items. We also provide production, printing and preparation of: - labels - labels - stickers - prepress - webdesign. We create: - wobblers - pos - btl - pop - neckhangery.

Services: - cleaning - washing windows - technical management of buildings.

Construction activity: -construction, construction, reconstruction, repairs -constructions, buildings-standardized and atypical -residential cores, residential core, bathrooms, bathroom -removal, demolition of buildings, masonry -factory and production or sales facilities, family houses, family house, family house. -design ...

Custom production: - nutritional supplements - Dietary Supplements - cosmetics, cosmetics - veterinary preparations.