Offer advertising media placed in buses on the back of seats throughout the Czech Republic. Reflexmedia Biobody

Security agency ADAS - Josef Adamek provides comprehensive services in the field of security and property protection. We focus on physical security of buildings, providing cultural and social events, detective activities or reception and information services. We are a company with nationwide and foreign operations. You can find us in Ostrava at ...

Services: - web hosting - website creation - domain registration

Activity: - organizing, organizing cultural and social events and concerts - production and production activity - advertising, marketing, PR - printing

Services: - business consulting - coaching.

Publishing: - Dingir religion magazine.

Services: - moving - clearing of houses, flats, cellars - demolition work.

Activity: - comprehensive network protection systems such as firewalls, antivirus or antispam - backup - encryption - mobile device management

Activity: - Internet connection - Internet Access

Services: - national and international transport, transport within the EU - storage incl. handling techniques - forwarding services - logistics

Development, distribution: - own information system DMG Compact®.

Activity: - information and communication technology services.

Services: - printing - production and printing of advertising items

Official marketing agency of the Czech Olympic Committee.

Services: - receivables outsourcing - debt collection, debt management - financial advice - repurchase of receivables, bills of exchange.

Services, creation: - animation and production - author's films - commercials - puppet animation, plasticine animation, 2D animation, 3D animation, puppet work and special projects.

Services: - assistance for companies, individuals - representation in offices - House cleaning - babysitting - arranging medical examinations - organizing conferences, parties for companies, family celebrations - arranging tickets, tours.

Services: - advice on detecting, managing and managing conflict situations in companies.

Accounting, taxes, analysis, business plans Services for insolvency administrators Establishment and liquidation of companies Advice on insolvency or over-indebtedness Company trainings and seminars in Harrachov