Real estate services - sale and purchase of real estate.

Marketing services - communication campaigns, strategies.

Services - finance, business loans - reality - investment.

Publishing of technical literature. Bookstore - sale of books.

Services: - Bold branding, playful UX, prototyping and digital marketing.

Services: - programming - project management and analytical activities - administration and hosting of web applications - SEO

Real estate services - sale of real estate.

Services - self-confidence counseling - personal coaching and mentoring - workshops, lectures.

Services: - advertising and marketing agency

Activity: - operation of a Russian internet business portal about the Czech Republic.

Services - creation of advertising and promotional texts - linguistic and stylistic corrections - copywriter - lyricist.

Activity: - cleaning services - plant care - security Service - security of property - reception services

Activity: - printing - Graphic Design - printing services

Services - production of stickers - T-shirt and textile printing - printed advertising items.

Spolek Res vitae, z.s. provides crisis center services in the city of Karlovy Vary and its surroundings, operates a helpline, nursing service, as well as marriage, family and civic counseling. As part of our services, we provide assistance to people who find themselves in an unfavorable life situation and to citizens who depend on the help of ...

Services - Turkish language teaching - translations, interpreting.

Services: - communication agency - press releases, meetings with journalists - workshops, seminars and teambuilding - advertising campaigns - PR, Event marketing

Psychological services - psychotherapy. Address: Čerchovská 6, 120 00 Prague 2 - Vinohrady.

Services: - administration of billboards in A1 format throughout the territory of Prague - poster design