Painting paintings, artistic interior paintings, painted advertising. Sale of paintings: oil painting pastel watercolor drawing

Hairdressing studio. -cutting -coloring -wedding and social hairstyles

The company František Havlíček deals with consulting in the field of air conditioning systems and the implementation of air conditioning disinfection. It also performs ultrasonic measurements of the walls of pressure vessels and manufactures ampoule breakers for medical purposes. Services: - consultancy in the field of air conditioning ...

-Advertising, marketing, media representation -Rental and lending of movables -Real estate activities, property management and maintenance -Wholesale and retail trade -Mediation of trade and services -Preparatory and finishing construction work, specialized construction activities -Operation of a travel agency and guide activities in the ...

It offers professional laundry services. Laundry, ironing and almond laundry for businesses and individuals.

It deals with custom carpentry production. Custom production: -kitchen -wardrobes -door -furniture -floors -relaxation and recreational garden structures -pergolly -altánky Comprehensive services in the field of carpentry: -consulting and design -Construction work -water treatment -independent assembly -cleaning work

Delivery: -ozone technology of cleaning and disinfection of pool water -technology for water and air treatment with ozone -complete system for water treatment (ozonation) in swimming pools. Adjustment: -waste water -water in aquariums, cooling towers. Deodorization: -interior spaces.

-Language teaching -intermediary activities in the field of interpreting and translation within the limits. contact -Translations - interpreting in international relations

I am a marketer and a teacher phoning with a smile. I specialize in communication with the target group in the form of telemarketing. I teach salespeople to make appointments with a smile and success. Call me and I will help you with telephone communication.

Forwarding. Domestic freight transport. Warehousing services. Provision of transport in Europe.

Sales of all kinds of food and various assortment.

The company SEKO BRNO, spol. s r.o. since 1993 it has been providing services in the field of environmental monitoring. We measure all industrial emission sources according to the categories of pollution sources based on the Decree, as well as measuring the working environment and air pollution, as well as consulting, advisory and mediation ...

LABTECH s.r.o. dealing with laboratory analyzes and tests. Furthermore, sales, service and application support of laboratory instrumentation, mechanical testing equipment, industrial testing equipment, vacuum technology and leak testing. The company also manufactures its own analytical instruments, including accessories and leak testing stations. ...

-Purchase of goods for resale and sale -Installation, service, repair of fire extinguishers and inspection of fire water mains -Wholesale and retail trade -Storage, packaging of goods, cargo handling and technical activities in transport Installation, repair, inspection and testing of pressure equipment and gas containers

Services: -regional development -professional studies -grant and grant advice -project management -spatial geovisualization and GIS *. Advisory and consulting activities, elaboration of expert studies and assessments Preparation and elaboration of technical designs, graphic and drawing work Research and experimental development on ...

-Photographic services - BUSINESS ACTIVITY - purchase of goods for resale and sale

The company offers software for creating your own e-shop for retail and for creating web presentations.

Operation of the e-shop with a focus on the sale of cameras, accessories and photographic materials of world brands, incl. photographic services, for both amateurs and professional photographers. We offer photography courses led by experienced photographers. Part of our offer is also exhibition quality printing and its further processing and ...

A.A.R. Veterinary clinic provides professional veterinary care for your pet. You can find us at Šotnovská 157 in Kolín. We provide veterinary treatment of large and small animals, dermatological and cardiological examination or dental ultrasound. As an accompanying service in our clinic we offer grooming and grooming of dogs. Veterinary ...

The main activities, that we are engaged in, are the following: Ddrilling, milling, metal grinding, material cutting by gas or plasma. CNC machining, metalwork, CNC cutting, welding and sandblasting, machinery production. - we provide manufacture for the FELLA-WERKE GmbH - tire repair shop for passenger cars and trucks, tire sale, ...

The cleaning company HOMY - Josef Horák performs one-off and regular cleaning of flats, offices, hospitals, schools and hotels. Our activities also include services for the elderly such as import to the doctor or for shopping, cleaning and minor repairs in the home. You can find our office on Střelecká street in Hradec Králové. Cleaning ...

Computer courses for children and adults: -courses for persons: -creation of websites -for beginners and advanced -basics of computer technology-first steps with computer -Practical use of computers in office-programs Microsoft Office -use of internet -We expand our knowledge in computing technique-courses for advanced ...

Company R.P.GEO s.r.o. provides services in geology, hydrogeology, engineering geology and ecology. We have been engaged in this activity since 2010 and within our services we carry out eg drilling, engineering-geological surveys. We also issue assessments or assessments of geological conditions, we also offer consultations and advice in these ...

The Bor publishing house publishes books thematically related to the locality of Náchod and Northeast Bohemia. The founder and owner is Mrs. Dr. Eva Koudelková, who was already in the 1990s devoted herself to authoring and publishing. At present, our publishing house produces six series with a focus on professional reading and fiction. We provide ...

The T. G. Masaryk Research Institute of Water Management was established as one of the first scientific institutes in the independent Republic of Czechs and Slovaks. Research activities mainly include issues related to the status, use and changes of aquatic ecosystems and their links in the landscape and related environmental risks, water ...