Photographer. I offer photography of weddings, portraits, landscapes, nudes, children and the like. I shoot with a Canon Eos 6D digital SLR camera. I have been interested in photography since 2004.

Media representation, marketing. Training for companies and individuals. IT services - custom programming - web portals.

Photography, photo studio - copying - printing of advertising items, t-shirts - stamps. Branch: Bezručova 3, 405 02 Děčín 4 Phone: 775 417 064.

Administration, operation and maintenance of municipal apartments.

Magazine editors: - information, advertising, interesting things. Printed regional periodical.

Graphic and creative studio - advertising campaigns - web design - presentation.

Psychological counseling, psychotherapy. Workplace Prague Machova 7 120 00 Prague 2

Creation of websites, web pages and web applications to order.

Advertising Agency. Events and conferences Media advertising campaigns Printed materials Sales and POS support Promotional gifts and 3D advertising Corporate identity Signmaking Exhibition business Video and audio

Advertising Agency. Sale: - large-area LED screens

Security of property and people Security services, cleaning services. Daily and one-time cleaning of objects, buildings, offices, institutions and hotels. Daily cleaning and disinfection of hospitals, polyclinics, spa facilities, medical institutions and nursing homes. Industrial cleaning and technological cleaning of production and ...

Providing software, consulting in the field of information technology, data processing, hosting and related activities and web portals Advertising activity, marketing, media representation, creation of websites.

Installation and management of computer networks. Administration and maintenance of servers. Web design. Data Backup. Delivery of PCs and other hardware.

Translations and interpretation: -German language including court translations -English language -Czech for foreigners.

International truck transport: -14 vehicles of the brand DAF, Scania, Man, Iveco - Frigo semi-trailers -specializing in Germany, we also travel to France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Poland, Denmark, Austria and Slovakia. Compilation of advertising materials.

Activity: - services in the field of civil engineering - creation of security documentation

Activity: - services in the field of civil engineering

Design and implementation of interiors - the kitchen - office furniture - commercial furniture - home accessories - seating furniture - lighting.

Web design - creation of websites.

Printer: -offset, DTP - book processing -completion of advertising materials.