Technical services Moravská Třebová s.r.o. not only performs poster placement and property management, but also offers its residents interesting sports and cultural activities in the tennis hall. We also take care of the operation of the cemetery and maintain the cleanliness of the city through the accessible location of containers and the ...

- Provision of technical and communal services - Collection and disposal of waste

Our company HULMAN-kovošrot s.r.o. specializes in the purchase, processing and sale of ferrous and metal waste. We also deal with the takeover, processing and subsequent ecological disposal of car wrecks. You will find our branches in Pohořelice, Moravský Krumlov, Brno-Chrlice and a stop near Brno. We will also process orders from the Ivančice ...

Our company HULMAN-kovošrot s.r.o. specializes in the purchase, processing and sale of ferrous and metal waste. We also deal with the takeover, processing and subsequent ecological disposal of car wrecks. You can find our branches in Pohořelice, Moravský Krumlov, Vémyslice, Brno-Chrlice and a stop near Brno. We will also process orders from the ...