Translation and interpretation Language teaching Managerial education

Web design - promotion and graphics on the Internet.

- technical consultancy in the field of computer technology - providing software

Services - web applications, portals and information systems - special widgets Speed and GUI Connection to information systems Automatic system updates Multilingualism Extensibility

Berry's Juice & Smoothies Sales of juice and smoothies. Fresh is fresh fruit and vegetable juice. It retains the maximum of all vitamins, minerals, enzymes and trace elements. The smoothie is thick bro freshe. It has a larger proportion of mixed fruit than juiced, or it is supplemented with yogurt. It is full of fiber and really filling.

Services: - website creation - SEO optimization

The company RadioMobil, JSC is an operator of the GSM network T-Mobile and it has been a holder of UMTS licence from 2001. There is 99% of population covered by its GSM signal. Within the T-Mobile network all standard GSM services as voice box, caller identification, SMS, etc. are offered. Other services: -mobile telecommunication services ...

Beauty studio: - lymphatic massage - weight loss - massages - infrared sauna - complete skin rejuvenation - chin removal, skin tightening - acne treatment - detoxification programs - acupuncture - herbs - Teeth whitening.

We provide the following services: Graphic preparation of printed materials - on the PC platform Printing - offset and copyprinter Final bookbinding processing - binding, folding, folding, etc.

Offer of design stamps produced by flash technology.

Personnel consulting, Executive Search.