Processing, sale, collection, purchase, sorting: - steel and cast iron, metal waste - scrap metal. Place of business: - Orlovská 125, Ostrava - Heřmanice (underpass to Heřmanický pond)

Studio photo Proof photo Photo reportage Photo on the tableau Advertising photo Family photo Video work. Wedding video Video documentaries Video reports Family video clips VHS to DVD conversion

Tailor-made real estate. Are you selling a house, apartment, land? We can also sell your real estate well, willing brokers will ensure quick sales, mortgages and insurance. Real estate agency - properties - real estates - apartments. Sale, rental, valuation: - family houses, villas, residential houses - cottages, cottages, holiday ...

Tailor-made real estate. Are you selling a house, apartment, land? We can also sell your real estate well, willing brokers will ensure quick sales, mortgages and insurance. Real estate agency - properties - real estates - apartments. Sale, rental, valuation: - family houses, villas, residential houses - cottages, cottages, holiday ...

Mrs. Helena Mlejnková offers translations and interpretations into Hungarian. We provide translation and interpreting services at a professional level and work with a number of prestigious translation agencies. We deal with translations of common and professional texts, consecutive and simultaneous interpreting. Translation and interpreting ...