You don't want to cook and the restaurant is far away? Take advantage of the delivery of food and delivery service in your town. Distribution ensures most of the restaurants, where you can order pizza, pasta, chinese dishes, tortillas, international specialties or a convenient lunch menu.

Our services: - running kitchens - Food delivery - catering services.

Stravování Kučera s.r.o is a prosperous company focused on providing catering services. We run a dining room, deliver lunch to the customer's house, prepare snacks for celebrations and parties and also arrange the import of a larger number of lunches in the brothels. Our other activities include the production of delicacies, confectionery products ...

Canteen operation, preparation and subsequent distribution of food deals with the company Petita, s.r.o. You can choose from two types of soups and five main courses. All our dishes are prepared from high quality and fresh ingredients. Our services include the preparation of banquets, corporate events and weddings. Lunch is served every weekday ...

Services: - food delivery to companies and institutions

Restaurant, organic restaurant. - lunch delivery Services: - cooking classes

Production, sales, e-shop, delivery: - pizza - pasta - salads - burgers - doughnuts

Services: -restaurant. -bar. - catering services. -pizza delivery, phone: 776320630

Restaurant - menu of Mexican and Italian cuisine - pizzas - Food delivery

Services: - Nutritional Advisor - healthy eating.

Our services: - lunch delivery for companies, households.