Fast food offers a rich and affordable range of finger foods and meals intended for immediate consumption. The menu includes hot dogs, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, fried cheese on a bun, hot dogs, tortillas, baguettes, kebabs, pizzas and other dishes.

Activity: - operation of McDonalds restaurants in Prague Establishments: McDonald's Ďáblice, pump site. OMV station, D8 motorway Cínovecká 796, 182 00 Praha 8-Ďáblice Telephone: 720 971 062 McDonald's Bill - Prosek Address: Vysočanská 20, 190 00 Prague 9-Prosek Telephone: 720 971 061 McDonald's Shopping Center ...

A chain of stores. Bistro, cafe, pastry shop - ready meals - salads - sandwiches - burgers - pastries - fruits and vegetables - cheeses and dairy products.

Fastfood - ready meals - soups - fast food - Food delivery.