Electricity and gas produced and supply power and gas company, which further provide services such as heating and operation of equipment. Among the services include the production of, respectively, the extraction of energy, waste energy, and their bargain purchases, goes without saying there are also consulting services.

Energy - thermal energy is produced in power plants by the so-called combined production of electrical and thermal energy.

The company CENTROPOL ENERGY, a.s. supplies electricity and gas to households, entrepreneurs and large companies. We will help you with energy savings and with solving complex situations. You conclude contracts with us without obligation and you can verify our traders at any time. We supply electricity and gas to 262,000 consumption points, Czech ...

Production, assembly and reconstruction - natural gas control station - gas pipelines and boiler rooms.

Services - energy service provider - management and operation of heat exchangers and boiler rooms for all types of fuel - production and sale of heat.

Member of the RWE concern. Gas distribution.

Installation, revision, repairs - security technology. Installation of common antennas and satellites. Electrical work - revision - electrical installations of high current. Measurement and regulation of heat.

Production, delivery, renovation: - gas regulation station

Delivery: - electrical energy, electricity - natural gas

Management of apartments and houses, real estate management - technical security - production and distribution of thermal energy - accounting services - expert opinions on defects and malfunctions of buildings.

Production, distribution and sales: - electricity, heat.

Company address Trebic, Brafova 16, tel +420 568 840 363, fax. +420 568840807 Maintenance, repairs: -nuclear reactors -steam turbines and turbo-generators -diesel engines and diesel generators, compressors and compressor stations -high-tension and low-tension electric motors -installations and repairs of electric machines and ...

Services: - energy - engineering - construction industry - gas industry.

Design, consulting and supply activities in engineering and water management.

Production, distribution, distribution: - heat - electricity - gas.