Solid fuel in boilers include fossil and renewable fuels. Among the most widely used fossil fuels include hard coal and brown coal, among the renewable wood, and even in the form of wood pellets or briquettes. Solid fuels represent the cheapest option of heating.

Uhli Hubalek
Coal warehouses Hubálek offers quality brown and black coal, coke, wood and lignite briquettes and we also sell gravel and sand. We will also bring coal to you and fold it down. You can find us in Letohrad on Tyršova street. Coal stores, sale:  - protein brown coal (cube, nut 1, nut 2)  - hard coal (walnut, peas)  - coke (nut 1)  - brown ...
Coal warehouses Steinerová - supplier of quality brown coal from Ledvice. Wholesale, retail. sale: -Brown coal -black coal -coke Company management in Choceň. Warehouses: -Choceň -Rabbits -Rychnov nad Kněžnou -Opočno pod Orl.h.

Coal warehouses. Sale: - coal, fuels, coke.

Activity: - forestry services, work - logging - cultivation activity - purchase of timber. Sale: - firewood, firewood

Eco fuels wholesale retail - wood pellets and pellets - peat briquettes - wood briquettes - black coal - sales warehouse - transport

Services in forestry: - especially using harvester technology Transportation: - wood materials Sale of firewood -coniferous wood, as well as hardwood soft and hardwood, packed and loosely packed - wood production using harvester technology - classic manual logging with subsequent approach - we also work with cable car ...

Urban forests. Services: - all services for owners and managers of forest properties - professional logging with a chainsaw in forests - approaching the wood with an export set - maintenance of forest roads - purchase and sale of wood - disposal of mining residues with a crusher - soil preparation for natural forest renewal by ...

Agrochem a. s. Lanškroun is the successor of the former joint venture for specialized services in agriculture ACHP Lanškroun. In addition to services for agriculture, our company also provides other activities: - production of feed mixtures for farm animals - domestic and international truck transport - sale of coal, fertilizers, fuels and ...