Paints, varnishes and coating compositions

You need to renovate the house or garden? You can use a wide range of paints, which includes paints for the interior and facade paints, primers, varnishes, stain, protective coatings for wood, plastic and metal, blending the hue of colors on request, complimentary stencil colors

REMEI CZ s.r.o.

Production and sale: - liquid and powder paints for concrete - powder colors for concrete - concrete additives - means for washing concrete - sealing coatings and impregnation - ingredients for spreads and spreads - dosing and spraying technique - accelerators, decelerators - aerating agents (washing paper, varnishes, pastes) We provide dosing and spraying equipment.

LakMal - Jan Hrabák

Retail, sales: -paints varnishes -needs for painters - garden equipment -fasteners -electronic material Services: -mixing colored varnishes, facade and interior colors Work: - insulation of buildings -reconstruction of buildings - tiles - painting - painting - paint shop -flooring -earth and excavation work

Drda-Sais s.r.o.

Služby: -stavebniny Beroun -prodej stavebního materiálu (Porotherm, Supertherm, Hebel, Sakret, dveře, Mistral-fasádní barvy, plotové prvky Betonstar, sádrokarton atd.) -realizace staveb(rodinné domy), sanace a hydroizolace, Baurex, Dico-sil -projekty, poradenství v oblasti sanace a hydroizolace objektů.

Vladimír Čihák

Velkoobchod, maloobchod, prodej: -drogistické zboží -fasádní a interiérové barvy -dekorační a interiérové omítky -nátěry na podlahy, dřevo, střechy -základní barvy a laky -profesionální nářadí pro malíře, natěrače, topenáře, podlaháře, zedníky.