Spare parts for machinery and equipment

Machines and equipment will eventually wear out. For the recovery to the original state, use spare parts, among which you will find valves, accumulators, electric motors, couplings, flanges, fasteners, expansion joints, gauges, progressive lubrication or need filters.

CIME-M, s.r.o.

Sales and service of viticultural, agricultural, municipal, construction and forestry equipment. Sales, distribution, repair, service: -agricultural machinery and accessories -construction machinery -communal machines -forest machines -sale of spare parts -agricultural machinery and accessories. MACHINE SERVICE: Warranty and post-warranty service. demonstration machines. …

AGRI-TECH s.r.o.

Company AGRI-TECH s.r.o. specializes in the supply and service of new and used agricultural machines brands CLAAS and VÄDERSTAD. We also offer machines from other leading domestic and foreign manufacturers. You can buy tractors, combine harvesters, cutters, loaders, presses, seeders, harvesters and other agricultural machines. You can visit us at Topolova 1418, Slavkov, Vyškov district. Sale,…

ZEAS Lysice a.s. - Lysice, ZD

Chovatelství: -skot -drůbež -výkrm prasat. Výroba a prodej: -pracovní oděvy ve všech provedeních -kombinézy -pláště -prošívané kalhoty -kabáty, vesty, košile. Autodoprava: -nákladní-silniční -skříňová AVIE -TATRA -LIAZ-souprava, valník. Prodej: -náhradní díly ke všem zemědělským strojům -pneumatiky na osobní, nákladní auta a traktory -hadice z PVC* a polyuretanu. Doprava: …

Realizační dílny Blansko, spol. s.r.o.

Road technology, machines for road maintenance. Development, production and service of attachments road maintenance equipment: - asphalt cutters, lawn mowers -crushing faces for sprinkling roads -filling fronts of the verges - prototypes of machines and equipment according to supplied documentation Production of excavator buckets according to customer requirements. Locksmith and…

KTR CR, spol. s r.o. - Spojky Svitavy

KTR CR, Ltd. is a subsidiary company of KTR Kupplungstechnik GmbH, Rheine, Germany. KTR is a leading world manufacturer of a wide range of shaft couplings, such as: - flexible couplings ROTEX, POLY-NORM, POLY and REVOLEX KX - claw couplings BoWex and GEAREX - multi-plate clutches RADEX N, RIGIFLEX and LAMEX - safety couplings RUFLEX, SYNTEX and KTR SI - combustion engine couplings…

HM, s.r.o.

Our company deals with the sale and service of agricultural machinery and equipment, wine technology and technological lines, viticultural technology. We provide warranty and post-warranty service for all machines supplied by our company. For minor repairs, we go directly to customers. The company is divided into three divisions and we also have a subsidiary in Slovakia. We offer: …

Rotary Lely Service spol. s r.o.

Opravárenská dílna, sklad náhradních dílů, prodej zemědělské techniky, technika Oprava, servis: -zahraniční zemědělské stroje, stroj -servisní služby-půjčování strojů -servisní služby strojů značek: -CASE, STEYR, LELY, REGENT, KEMPER, MASCHIO -prodej náhradní díly, dílů -prodej olej, oleje SHELL a CASE pro zemědělské stroje -činnost technických poradců v oblasti zemědělství. …


TRANSROLL - CZ, JSC. Production, sale, installation, service and repairs: -transport components for bulk material conveyance, conveyor belts and roller conveyors: -conveyor rollers - flat, impact, rubber-lagged, guide, disc, spiral -garland stools -stations - section, tubular -pulleys - rubber-coated, ribbed, cage. Spare parts for belt conveying. Rollers - ISO 1537, DIN 15207 and DIN…

VN machinery, s.r.o.

VN machinery, Ltd. Metal fabrication, metalwork, smithery. Brno, Brno countryside. Manufacture from stainless steel, welding of stainless steel. Manufacturing - stainless components for machinery and equipment, motorcycles or single-purpose machines. Production of steel structures. FITTER WORK. - Welded machine parts - Skeletons and sheathing of machines - Production of moulds -…

OMEGA, spol. s r.o.

The company OMEGA, spol. s r.o. based in Zlín is engaged in series production of gears and shafts for gearboxes, camshafts, hollow and clutch shafts and other components within the Czech and Slovak Republics. Serial production:  - gears with straight teeth and helical teeth  -Chain wheels  -toothed wreaths  -crown wheels  - grooved and hollow shafts  - Coupling shafts, slats and bearings…

AGRO ALI, spol. s r.o.

Sales, service: -Agriculture machinery -tractors Sale: -spare parts ZETOR, LIAZ, AVIA, DESTA -gufer, bearings, V-belts -BARUM tires -car batteries, lubricants, oils -car accessories -seeds (sunflower, corn) -seedlings (vines) -agricultural products. Production, sale: -Znojmo, Melkusova, tel .: 515224937 -wine Cultivation, production, sale: -Jaroslavice, tel …

Autobaterie STABAT s.r.o. - Akumulátory do aut, motocyklů, TIR

At the Autobaterie STABAT s.r.o. Uherské Hradiště you will find a wide selection of batteries - car batteries, motobaterie and traction batteries. We also have pedelecs for sale and we also provide pedelecs. We will be happy to advise you on your purchase. In the area of Uherské Hradiště and within a radius of 20 km, we provide free car batteries, the price remains the same as at the store…

STABAT autobaterie - Miroslav Vodička

Firma STABAT autobaterie - Miroslav Vodička se specializuje na prodej autobaterií, motobaterií, akumulátorů a nabíječek různých značek. Nabízíme také elektrokola a příslušenství jako jsou startovací kabely i startovací boostery. Sídlíme v Uherském Hradišti. Dodávka, prodej, maloobchod: - autobaterie, baterie do automobilů - motobaterie - akumulátory - trakční baterie pro vysokozdvižné…

ACE-TECH s.r.o.

Engineering production, metal-working: -CNC machining -complex machining of precision rotary parts -metal cutting (alloy, stainless, creep-resisting and heat-resisting steels) -precision, accurate CNC turning, drilling, milling and threading -CNC machine tools, lathes, Mori Seiki turning centres -machining of large precise components (diameter from 100 to 520mm) -Mitutoyo 3D…