If you are wondering how to remove chlorine, nitrates, nitrites, iron from your water.

Importer of security equipment brand GUARDYS. GPS locators for free satellite tracking, IP cameras and other digital security systems. Automotive camera systems. Italian cafe LA BADIA, www.labadia.cz

Production - briquetting presses KL - 40 Metalworking - locksmith work

Coatings at heights - facades - roofs - construction Pruning of trees according to arboricultural principles - cutting down trees - milling stumps Repairs at heights - chimneys Maintenance - real estate Removing snow and icicles from roofs - washing facades Demolition work Height ...

Processing of color, black and white, analog and digital images. Operation of a virtual photo gallery. Sale of photo, video equipment and accessories.

Sales, service and rental - cleaning and cleaning technology WAP ALTO

Projection - electrical installation Measurement - evaluation units of heat (MB) Delivery and installation - heat pumps

Sales, service, assembly. - Cooling and freezing equipment - Air conditioning - Heat pumps

Sale of pumps for drinking, service and sewage water, complete domestic water plants and spare parts for pumps

Delivery - RAINBIRD irrigation systems Warranty and post-warranty service

Installation, sale, service of air conditioning and air conditioning. Sale of ventilators via the e-shop www.ventilatory.biz

Production: - welding technique. Sales and distribution: - clamping technique: - manual, pneumatic and hydraulic clamping elements.

Engineering activity during construction. Post-harvest treatment of plant commodities. Other activities in the agricultural field. Metalworking. Construction work: - new buildings -maintenance, reconstruction -removal, demolition.

We install electronic security and camera systems. Security of apartments, houses, companies. Reliable alarms from PARADOX. Attendance, entrance systems, telephone exchanges, fire systems, video phones. Projection, installation. Free security design.

Wholesale, retail, sales, e-shop - tools - work clothes - garden equipment.

Sales, assembly, revision - ventilation system - air-conditioning components, fans, air ducts, dampers. Plumbing - sale of gutter components. - custom production of plumbing elements.

Activity: - comprehensive services in the field of fire protection. Sales, e-shop, reviews: - extinguishers - fire hydrants

Sale of assortment for large garden centers and stores for gardeners and florists.

Rental of construction machinery and tools - vibrating plates, cutters, dehumidifiers - tools for plumbers - garden equipment.

E-shop - bathroom equipment - boiler - stoves - pumps, water plants - radiators - underfloor heating - fittings.