Utilize a wide range of stationary or moveable compressor stations. Offer includes dental, oil free, oil-filled, soundproofed, food, auxiliary, screw and vertical compressors, including all accessories.

Service, construction, reconstruction: -gas station. Services: -revision and cleaning of tanks -supply of gas station technologies.

Retail, sales: -pumping and hot water technology: - gasoline, electric, manual -pumps, fountain, irrigation - domestic waterworks - sale of spare parts. Sales, assembly, installation: - water-heating-gas.

Delivery, retail, sales, assembly: - photovoltaics -Solar Panels -heat pumps.

Branded pumping technology for the home and garden: - domestic waterworks -centrifugal pumps -drainage -sludgy -pressure submersible -circulatory -with gasoline drive -fountain -filtration into ponds and pools.