Jaroslav Alexa
Grinding Metalworking - milling - turning Machinery production
Grinding Metalworking - milling - turning Machinery production
Sales, service: - forestry machinery and spare parts - garden equipment - Agriculture machinery.
Opravy - nákladní automobily Výroba - mříže Výroba - vrata - nesené a pojezdové brány Výroba - oplocení - schodiště - zábradlí Strojní broušení na kulato Kovoobráběčské práce Strojní stříhání plechů Zámečnictvívýroba - vrata - oplocení - schodiště - zábradlí - mříže Opravy - zemědělská technika
Grinding Production - electrodes for machine tools from 3D model, NC code to the production of the finished electrode Turning - milling Welding work Locksmith work
Sale and purchase - second-hand packaging machines Sale and purchase - second-hand printing machines
Doprava - nákladní vnitrostátní Opravy - lesnické stroje Zámečnické práce Opravy - zemědělské stroje
Repairs: - machine tools - spare parts R5, AN6/25, SR 50 - AN6/40 - ND R 5 search engines, machine tool repairs
Prodej - zemědělské potřeby pro chov a pastvu skotu, ovcí Prodej - zemědělské potřeby pro chov koní
Complete deliveries of woodworking tools: - saw blades of all types, - milling heads and assemblies - HM knives, planing knives - dowel drills, knotters, end mills and other assortment of tools.
Sale: - needs for farmers - livestock supplies (cattle, pigs, sheep, rabbits, poultry) - electric fences - milking technique - the world of horses - everything for horses and riders -necessities for breeding dogs and cats.
Velkoobchod - pily prodej a servis - nástroje na dřevo - dřevoobráběcí stroje Prodej - nástroje na kov Servis - nástroje na kov
Design, sale, installation, service: - barcode printers - barcode scanners - data terminals - plastic card printers - industrial barcode scanners - consumables, spare parts. Services: - printing of self-adhesive labels, textile tags, PVC cards according to requirements.
Sale - mill machinery Sale - feed machines
The ŠIMONEK company represents foreign manufacturers and suppliers of machines and equipment for the textile industry and production on the Czech and Slovak markets.
Prodej - zemědělská technika CASE IH - traktory řady CX, MX, CS, MAGNUM PRO, STEIGER, QUADTRAC 50 - 450 PS - lisy CASE IH 530, 540, 550 - řezačky MAMMUT 6900, 7400, 7800 - axiální sklízecí mlátičky řady 2100 - konvenční sklízecí mlátičky 525, 527 Servis - zemědělská technika - traktory
Services: - standardization of the offset printing process - consulting in the field of printing - forensic expert in printing - professional technical translations (English, German) - interpreting (English, German)
Packaging service. Delivery - machines for the production of cartons Delivery - printing machines.
Development, production, sales and service: - machine tools
Services, sales: - diesel tanks - spray nozzles for surface application - navigation systems - pneumatic suction and pressure conveyors - elevators, redlers, screw conveyors - combined cereal cleaners - grain dryers - aeration ducts - weighing systems, fans, blowers - complete automatic and semi-automatic lines for grain processing and production of feed mixtures
Repairs: - control electronics Development and corrections - CNC machines Sale: - LEXMARK printers - computing - Consumables Service - LEXMARK printers - computing It provides - consultancy.
Sale - driven tools for CNC machines - clamping tools - gauges and gauges - machining tools - special custom tools.
Sale - complete control unit controllers - three-axis CNC milling machines controlled from a PC - column milling machines - engraving portal milling machines - software - accessories
Dealership: - device for measuring the characteristics of springs - equipment for automatic measurement, sorting, separation of springs - carbide tools for nail machines. Sales representation of Böhm and Hamex in the Czech and Slovak Republics.
Dodávka - stroje pro malé rodinné farmy Poradenství - zemědělství