For logistics and transportation needs of used paper packaging and boxes. One-piece and flapped moving boxes, cardboard and cardboard pallet boxes, tubes, minikrabice, die cut corrugated boxes or mailing envelopes are designed for lighter and for heavier objects.

EPOS spol. s r.o. Papirshop Zlin
A company from the Czech Republic, which is a member state of the European Union. In our online shop we offer you all office supplies and equipment, paper, school supplies, diaries, envelopes, adhesives, calculators, blackboards, cd, dvd, hygiene products, drugstore goods and cleaning products, packaging material, consumables for ...
Wholesale, retail, sales: -PPE personal protective work equipment -detergents -office supplies - packaging material. Production: -cleaning rags for industry - work clothes.

The company is ISO 9001:2001 certificate holder. Production, sale: -cartonnage production: -covers made of cardboard and E-flute: -boxes -small boxes -cardboard packaging -polygraphic/ printing production: -billboards and eye-catchers -displays. Print, printing work: -offset printing -UV varnishing. Production: -lithography ...

Production: - packaging for the food industry - packaging for confectionery, food, cosmetics.

Production, sale: -cartonage: -shaped section -flap boxes -folders -grids -planets. Recycling: -RESY system.

The company is engaged in the production and distribution of anti-corrosion packaging materials based on evaporative corrosion inhibitors. We mainly supply anti-corrosion papers, foils, bags, stretch film and bubble wrap. We are part of the global Excor (r) -Zerust (r) chain and work with branches around the world. In addition to quality products, ...

Production: - paper: - corrugated cardboard - cartons - packaging.

Internet shop, eshop, e-shop, sale: - packaging materials, bags, sachets, cups, trays - boxes, boxes, cartons, coasters, pads - decorations, napkins, tablecloths, - wrapping and gift papers - hygienic goods, towels, tea towels, soaps, HACAP.

Production: -cartonage -packaging material from corrugated cardboard -flap boxes -shaped packaging -box blanks, grids. Quality certificate according to state standards.

Production: -fibre, paper, cardboard. Production, sale: -glued and machine cardboard -cartonage: -transport boxes, packaging. Sale: -chemicals -motor, industrial oils.

Production, sale: -house chemistry: -soaking, washing, bleaching agents -cleaning, preservatives -cartonage, including two-color printing -coated cardboard -box made of corrugated and smooth cardboard with flexoprint printing for industry, food industry, confectioners, etc. -folding and lid boxes, grids, inserts, cut-outs ...

Wholesale, sales, production: - packaging materials, packaging: -food packaging - small packaging technology, bags, foil, discs, labels... -disposable dishes, cutlery -gift, carnival decorations - stationery for the household -hygiene supplies.

Mediation - industrial production, delivery from China: -pressed sheet metal parts, plastic parts including tool production - rough zinc castings or decoratively chrome-plated - welded and knitted wire nets -PVC, PU leatherette -printed circuits - packaging cartons -swivel, pallet, furniture wheels.

Wholesale: - gastro napkins - packaging material - stationery - toys.

Online store, e-shop, e-shop, retail, sale: - packaging material, packaging: -bubble film, guatched paper, twine, unwinders, PE and paper bags, PE sleeves, foam polyethylene, stretch film, covering film, corrugated cardboard -abrasive: -adapters, sheets, reels, rolls, Scotch Brite -office supplies: - data carriers, gift assortment, ...