Metal equipment

Metal equipment includes many different types of products. From the office, and wardrobe equipment, via semi-finished products such as round bars or thin-walled profiles, until after the superstructure for vehicles or rack systems for warehouses. The selection in this industry is indeed rich.

Matoza, s.r.o.

Painting works Divorces and outdoor - gas Cleaning work Chemical insulation (for insulating stone masonry as a special mixture) Delivery and installation - plastic, wooden (EURO) and aluminum windows, doors and walls - large-scale steel formwork Production - steel structures including coatings according to the workshop documentation of ironwork - reinforcement of…

Metalimpex Group spol. s r.o.

Do you need to equip a hall or organize a warehouse? Are you looking for a reliable company engaged in engineering and locksmith production? The Metalimpex group of manufacturing companies (Metalimpex Group spol. s.r.o. and Metalimpex HES s.r.o.) is an engineering company with pan-European scope, with modern production premises in the village of Hrobčice near Bíliny and extensive machinery for…

Meva, a.s.

Delivery - air and oxygen breathing apparatus: - device with 5 and 7l SATURN S7 steel bottle reservoir - escape rescue device with bottle reservoir 2l SATURN S2 - SATURN OXY rescue oxygen device for rapid rescue and air service Production - protective equipment - air and oxygen breathing apparatus: - device with 5 and 7l SATURN S7 steel bottle reservoir - escape…

MGL Moravia gran - lift, s.r.o.

Repairs of handling equipment, earthmoving machines and other means of transport, including technical inspections. Production, assembly, repairs of steel structures and lifting equipment, including revisions. Repairs of technological equipment in industry. Metalworking.

Mi-Tec CZ, s.r.o.

Rental of a high-lift assembly platform. Stone processing. Production: - steel constructions. Building: - assembled and welded steel structures of production and supply halls, shelters - construction of technological units for stone processing - complete production lines for processing rock Production, sale, assembly: - pipes, control elements, flaps, slide valves. Sale: - air…

Lukáš Neumann

Výroba - brány Výroba - hliníkové skleníky Nerezová výroba - gastronomické vybavení (stoly, dřezy, police, ...) Nerezová výroba - schodiště - zábradlívýroba - ploty Svařování šedé litiny Kovářské práce Nerezová výroba - nádrže pro chemický průmysl

Milan Beran, Agro servis

Authorized service of Komatsu machines - repairs of all types of KOMATSU construction machines. Construction activity - construction of utility networks - reconstruction of buildings - construction of family houses - earthworks. Projecting - design activity. Reclamation activity. Machinery production - steel constructions - machines and equipment for mining and treatment of…

Milan Doubek

Výroba - čistírny odpadních vod Výroba - minipivovary - minipastery základní vybavení stáčecích linek je myčka lahví, kegů, stáčecí stroj a zařízení na tepelnou úpravu piva - pastéry buď průtokové nebo tunelové Výroba - pěstitelské pálenice Výroba - zábradlí Výroba - potrubí Zpracování - nerez - železo - mosaz …