
Equipment for work of all kinds. Hand tools such as hammers, screwdrivers, pliers, saws, wrenches, hexagons or power tools which include cordeless screwdrivers, jigsaws, planers, drills displace jobs in any workshop.

IZOMAT stavebniny s.r.o.

Our company IZOMAT focuses on the comprehensive sale of building materials. You can buy from us material for the construction of roofs, basic construction, thermal insulation, waterproofing, dry construction, building fillings, concrete products, garden programs and more. Visit any of our branches, we will be happy to advise you, prepare a price offer, arrange transport and rent the necessary…

IZOMAT stavebniny s.r.o.

Our company IZOMAT focuses on the comprehensive sale of building materials. You can buy from us material for the construction of roofs, basic construction, thermal insulation, waterproofing, dry construction, building fillings, concrete products, garden programs and more. Visit any of our branches, we will be happy to advise you, prepare a price offer, arrange transport and rent the necessary…

IZOMAT stavebniny s.r.o.

Our company IZOMAT focuses on the comprehensive sale of building materials. You can buy from us material for the construction of roofs, basic construction, thermal insulation, waterproofing, dry construction, building fillings, concrete products, garden programs and more. Visit any of our branches, we will be happy to advise you, prepare a price offer, arrange transport and rent the necessary…

Fabory CZ Holding s.r.o.

Distribution, wholesale, retail trade, sale: -jointing material: -steel, stainless steel, brass, copper, aluminium, titanium, plastics -metric threads, metric fine threads, non-metric threads - UNC, UNF, BSW, BSF, trapezial, self-cutting and screwing threads -screws (hexagonal and hollow screws, carriage bolts, T-bolts, eye bolts, wing screws, wood screws, studs, for TORX, PHILLIPS,…

Kili, s.r.o.

Prodej: -laminované a dýhované dřevotřískové desky pro výrobu nábytku -laťovky -překližky -hobry -akulity -MDF* desky -nábytkové hrany -těsnící lišty -kuchyňské pracovní desky -kování, zámky, závěsy, výsuvy -nohy, stojany -vruty, úchytky -okenní parapety -dveře venkovní, vnitřní (interiérové) -kuchyňská dvířka -podlahové a obkladové palubky -lepidla, silikony,…

Pavel Hořejší

Construction bazaar Bazaar of used and surplus building materials, installer: -doors, frames, windows, skylights, doors -Tools -tool - construction mixers -wheels -engines -washbasins, sanitary ware -baths, batteries - lamps, fluorescent lamps - metallurgical material -translations, armatures, scaffolding pipes, floors -sewage cast iron, plastic, stoneware - tiles,…

ProEx 2000, spol. s r. o.

Wholesale, retail, sale: - needs for construction tinsmiths and roofers -sheets (board, scroll, KOB, trapezoid, wavy lines, templates) -roof foil (DÖRKEN, JUTE, TYVEK) - waterproofing film PARABIT - fiberglass corrugated sheets -plumbing products - silicones, sealants, PUR-foams - ventilation grills MINOLETTI (copper, aluminum) - gutters (MARLEY plastic) - spikes, KRAUPNER pigeon nets …


Zprostředkování velkoobchodu: -dovoz zboží z Turecka přímo od výrobců -nábytek -dveře všech typů -čistící prostředky -nářadí -radiátory -dlažba -oblečení, obuv -koberce.

ZemStroj s.r.o.

Our company ZemStroj s.r.o. sells, rents tools and construction machinery. We also offer: - earthworks and excavations with a mini excavator - sale of oils and car batteries - sale of spare parts for construction machinery - service. In our tool rental you will find this technique: - vibrating and compacting - cutting and grinding - demolition and drilling - garden - cleaning -…

MONTEA CZ s.r.o.

Elektromontážní práce: -komplexní elektromontážní práce NN zařízení -montáž elektronických zabezpečovacích systémů EZS, EPS -montáž televizních a satelitních systémů -montáž domácích audio a video telefonů -strukturovaná kabeláž IT -montáž el. topných kabelů do podlah a okapů -fotovoltaické elektrárny -revize nářadí spotřebičů a nářadí -hromosvody -Kamerové systémy …

SpedCom spol. s r.o.

We are a direct importer of IPPIS and FARAONE scaffolding - mobile scaffolding, ladders, work. steps, hydraulic platforms. We operate: wholesale, retail, tool rental, frame scaffolding / mobile scaffolding rental. We also sell construction and garden machinery and tools and carry out popular, professional measurements - thermometry with a high-quality Fluke Ti25 thermal camera.