Kamil Braniš
Delivery - radiators - boiler Welding - aluminium - aluminum construction at the customer's request - aluminum car blocks and jekles
Delivery - radiators - boiler Welding - aluminium - aluminum construction at the customer's request - aluminum car blocks and jekles
Montáž - kotle - plynová a tlaková zařízení Revize - kotle - plynová a tlaková zařízení
The Karel Benda company, based in Prague Krč, deals with complete heating and plumbing work, as well as minor repairs and the implementation of accidents. Our other activities are assembly and replacement of boilers and radiators. We also implement minor repairs and accidents. We provide services in residential and civil construction. At the same time, we also supply material and install NIBE…
Production and assembly of wooden buildings, pergolas and gazebos. We also carry out specialized installation of windows, doors and shading technology.
Container transport Carpentry work Delivery - blinds - blinds Delivery - windows - the door Construction - fence Geological Survey Project activity in the construction industry Earthwork Laying - paving Construction and reconstruction of buildings
Dodávka - antény - digitální satelitní přijímače - pozemní digitální přiijímače - kopmonenty pro rozvodymontáž - televizní a satelitní antény Dodávka - kopmonenty pro rozvody
Retail, sales, repair, service: - gas boilers - boiler rooms
Production - grids - the door - fences - stairs - steel constructions Welding work Locksmith work
Sale - pneumatic and air tools
Carpentry work Production - furniture made of solid wood and chipboard Installation, repair and replacement - windows
Sales and assembly as well as service - blinds - Roman blinds - Garnish - trigger guard - curtains (including sewing) - curtains - decorative fabrics
Sale - colors - varnishes Drugstore Sale - battery Sale - light bulbs Stationery
Kompletní stěhovací služby Výstavba - čističky Topenářské práce Investiční činnost Kompletní správa nemovitostí Údržbářské práce - úklidové služby Rekonstrukce památek Zakládání staveb Realizace komunikací, chodníků a parkovišť Stavební činnost - hrubé stavby - kompletní výstavba domů na klíč - rekonstrukce bytových jader, rodinných…
Services: - comprehensive service in solving all issues related to the issue of ownership of apartments and apartment buildings - focus on flats and non-residential premises - declaration of the owner - the statutes of the SVJ - establishment and origin of SVJ - transfers of flats and non - residential premises - liquidation of a cooperative or SRO
Sale - Italian design furniture
Prodej - chemie do různých odvětví národního průmyslu - průmyslová chemie Prodej - stavební chemie Prodej - hnojiva Prodej - krmivářské přísady
Custom production - stairs - stairs - railings
Maloobchod a velkoobchod - vodoinstalační materiál - sanitární technika
Design, construction and sales: - turnkey fireplaces - fireplaces - indoor and garden fireplaces - fireplace inserts.
Sale - veterinary cosmetics IV SAN BERNARD Sale - hand tools and abrasives - Knipex Benning, Parat, VSM