House, flat and garden

Get a quality tool and for Your house, apartment or garden, such as axes, garden shears, spades, shovels, pitchforks, brooms, rakes, or saws on the branches. In each workshop you'll appreciate the sets of hand tools, including screwdrivers, hammers, pliers, wrenches and fasteners.

Karel Benda

The Karel Benda company, based in Prague Krč, deals with complete heating and plumbing work, as well as minor repairs and the implementation of accidents. Our other activities are assembly and replacement of boilers and radiators. We also implement minor repairs and accidents. We provide services in residential and civil construction. At the same time, we also supply material and install NIBE…

JDS Invest, s.r.o.

Kompletní stěhovací služby Výstavba - čističky Topenářské práce Investiční činnost Kompletní správa nemovitostí Údržbářské práce - úklidové služby Rekonstrukce památek Zakládání staveb Realizace komunikací, chodníků a parkovišť Stavební činnost - hrubé stavby - kompletní výstavba domů na klíč - rekonstrukce bytových jader, rodinných…

Jerkman, a.s.

Services: - comprehensive service in solving all issues related to the issue of ownership of apartments and apartment buildings - focus on flats and non-residential premises - declaration of the owner - the statutes of the SVJ - establishment and origin of SVJ - transfers of flats and non - residential premises - liquidation of a cooperative or SRO