Real estate companies in the forefront with real estate brokers help you sell your house, condo, vacation property, commercial property or land. Sell so you can your house, cottage, cabin, your building plot, forest, meadow, office space, production halls or warehouses.

Sale - apartments - houses - grounds Sale - commercial premises.

Sale and rent - non-residential premises.

Real estate activities - residential premises - grounds - non-residential premises.

Sale and rent: - houses - apartments - grounds - cottages - cottages - commercial premises.

Real estate agency, sale and rent - real estate. Construction activity.

Services: - rent of office space, including complete equipment - rental of meeting and conference rooms - complete office service - establishment of a virtual office and service contact address "virtual office".

Real estate agency: - sale and rent of apartments, houses, land, cottages, cottages and commercial buildings.

Sales - companies, real estate activity, development activity.

- Mediation of business and services -Real estate activities -Property management and maintenance - Renting and lending of movable property - Activities of business, financial, organizational and economic consultants -Advertising activity and marketing -Specialized retail and general merchandise retail - Engineering activity in investment ...

Real estate activities - residential premises - grounds -Real estate activities - non-residential premises.

Sale - coffee machines. Rent - apartments. Maintenance - real estate. E-shop - coffee machines - capsules with coffee and other drinks - coffee beans Import and distribution - tiling and paving Sale - construction machinery Rental - construction machinery.

Management and maintenance - housing funds - houses and apartments in Brno.

The company holds ISO 9001:2001, defended in 2008 and 14001:2001, defended in 2008 certificates. Management of co-operative, municipal, commercial, co-owned, private, commercial, newly built residential buildings. Comprehensive service of managed properties: - 24-hour emergency service (hot line 24) for our contractual partners -water, ...

We provide comprehensive real estate management: -real estate management for private individuals, cooperatives, businesses and municipal authorities - management of apartment buildings, commercial areas, sports fields, etc. - provision of all services related to administration.

Real estate agency, property management and maintenance. Accounting, economic service.

We specialize in the management of apartment buildings, rental buildings and commercial properties.

Real estate activities Engineering activity Project activity Construction and reconstruction - houses, apartments.