You want to sell or buy real estate? Real estate agencies you will enable the sale of apartments, sale of houses, leases, sales of commercial buildings – office space, commercial buildings, warehouses and garages and the sale of land, i.e., building plots, gardens and fields.

Real estate agency, property management and maintenance.

Development projects. Reconstruction: - historical buildings in Prague. Implementation, construction: - new buildings in Prague - new apartments and family houses outside Prague. Property management and maintenance. Real estate agency. Mediation - sale and rental of real estate: - apartments - family houses - office premises - ...

Sale of foreign real estate and real estate. They offer properties in the following countries: Spain, Portugal, Austria, Italy, France, London and other locations.

Realization of buildings: - turnkey family houses - residential, civil buildings - reconstruction - warming up - deliveries of interiors Engineering activity: - projection - construction supervision - investors technical Supervision - copyright supervision Real estate services

Real estate agency We offer a complete service for renting and selling real estate, including legal services.

Real estate agency Sale and preparation of real estate estimates.

Sale and rent of apartments. Real estate activities.

Real estate agency. Real estate management.

Real estate agency. Construction company. Services: - securing a mortgage - creating projects - warming of objects - modifications of interiors and exteriors.

Real estate agency engaged in renting real estate, apartments and non-residential premises.

Legal advice reality Real estate mediation.

Real estate agency. Sale, rent, purchase of apartments, houses and land.

Offer of import and sale of Land Rover cars. Management and sale of real estate.

Construction - low-energy wooden buildings Real estate activities