Influence the air temperature capable of air conditioning, airconditioning, ventilation, heat pumps, but also the refrigerator or different solar systems. Installation and sale provide certificate of experts who can deliver the equipment to all industries and to households.

Sales, assembly and service: - cooling device - air conditioning

Activity: - servicing of cooling equipment - installation of air conditioners - installation of heat pumps.

Sale - accessories for tinsmiths - polycarbonate roofing - nails, washers, screws, bolts, fasteners, hardware. Production and sale: - roof vents

We manufacture MTP gas heaters (20-1500kW) and air handling units. Cooperative production in the areas of: -machines for the food and printing industry -mechanics and electronics of balancing machines - medical technology -other engineering products.

Home accessories. Production and installation of blinds and floating floors. Venetian blind. Solar heating. Swimming pool. Window nets. Seal. Floating floors. Air conditioning, bionaire, dewormers. Security.

Service, repair: -cooling and air-conditioning equipment.