The cultivation of plants, flowers, trees and shrubs is affected by using the right chemicals, such as fertilizers, protective spraying against pests or special nutrition for green plants. Get yourself to your garden the seeds of the plant in high quality.

The company STROMAT s.r.o. we operate an e-shop - - with chilli products, where it offers not only everything for growing chillies, such as chilli seeds, chilli fertilizers or lighting for chillies, but also a wide range of ready-made chilli products - dried chili peppers, chili sauces, chili spices and much more. We ...

E-shop - flowers Wholesale - cut flowers and potted flowers delivery by agreement

Wholesale, retail, sale: Breeding supplies, feed, garden, sale of substrates, fertilizers and seeds, sale of beech and coal briquettes, sale of chickens.

Our company deals with vegetable and flower seedlings. Furthermore, flowers for your balcony, making funeral wreaths and bouquets. We create a soul and advent connection. We sell substrates, fertilizers, sprays.

Sale: - paints varnishes - drugstore - Household Goods - garden - pet store - supplies for pets

Sale - ornamental trees - perennials - rocks - water plants

Garden center. Sale: - ornamental trees - rocks - perennials. Realization: - lawns, plantings - ponds, rocks, walls.