The cultivation of plants, flowers, trees and shrubs is affected by using the right chemicals, such as fertilizers, protective spraying against pests or special nutrition for green plants. Get yourself to your garden the seeds of the plant in high quality.

Production: -peat substrates - gardening substrates, soil

Sale - peat - fertilizers - substrates, soil - bark mulch

Flower shop. Retail, sales: -flowers - seeds -fertilizers -substrates -gardening supplies -ceramics

Sale: - flower shop, - stationery.

Company activity: - production of fertilizers (composts) - production of substrates -production of soil substrates - research and development in the field of natural and technical sciences -preparatory work for reclamation and greening constructions - management of selected waste. Services: - consulting and assessment activities ...

Business activity: - solid and liquid industrial fertilizers - pesticides - processing of plant products - seeds. - agricultural services - millinery - fuel sales - feed industry. Production: - feed mixes for livestock and pet breeders - system of precision agriculture and consulting - PREFARM

Services - laboratory of tissue cultures of exotic plants - cultivation of exotic plants Production - fertilizers - stimulants

Florist, retail: - flowers - decoration

Sale - flowers - cut flowers for weddings, christenings, receptions, graduations

Sale - gift items - flowers Massage - classic - lava stones - honey - chocolate - Chinese - Hawaiian, ...

Garden center, sales, services: - flowers - trees - perennials - gardening supplies - design, implementation and maintenance of greenery and gardens

Services: -flower arrangement - floral decorations

Wholesale, sale: - ornamental and fruit trees - bushes - mature trees - bodies - rocks - roses - Canadian blueberries

Flower shop. Retail, sales: -flowers.

Production, sale: - cacti - succulents - fruit and ornamental trees - gardening services of cutting, tending, care and implementation - consulting in the field of horticulture - sale of special products - preparing the launch of the e-shop.

Sale: - sprays - seeds - flowers - fodder - gift items.

Production, sale - funeral, congratulatory, Christmas wreaths - flowers, floral arrangements, decorations Sales, services - gardening - balcony flowers - vegetable seedlings Establishing small gardens

Flower shop Sale: - cut flowers, potted flowers, artificial flowers, candles, fertilizers, decorative items and material, ceramic packaging, wicker goods, etc. Production: - wedding tie, funeral tie, Christmas tie, Easter tie, etc.

Retail, sales: - drugstore - perfumery - cosmetics - cleaning and cleaning chemistry - technical chemistry for the house - sprays and fertilizers - pool chemicals - car cosmetics - car paints - paints and varnishes - adhesives and sealants - brushing goods.

Sale of garden supplies, seedlings and ornamental shrubs. We specialize in funeral wreaths and bouquets.

We are a horticulture company specializing in the sale of outdoor plants for your gardens. We offer trees, conifers, deciduous shrubs, perennials, rock plants, biennials, annuals, bulbs and other additional goods.