The cultivation of plants, flowers, trees and shrubs is affected by using the right chemicals, such as fertilizers, protective spraying against pests or special nutrition for green plants. Get yourself to your garden the seeds of the plant in high quality.

Services: -horticulture -projection, realization, maintenance of gardens Retail, sales: - fruit and ornamental trees -perennials, annuals, balcony plants -ceramics -fertilizers, sprays

Flower shop. Sale - cut and potted flowers, floral arrangements - gift items, small ceramics, dry goods, candles.

Arranging wedding, memorial and gift flowers.

Gardening, garden center: -substrates -fertilizers, sprays -ceramics, plastic packaging -ponds, pond technology - aquariums, aquarium sets and accessories -playground -greenhouses -throws into the hedges - ornamental shrubs, conifers -rhododendrons - azaleas - heathers -perennials - ornamental grasses -room and ...

Florist, sale - flowers - bridal bouquet - seasonal decoration.

Green Paradise Gardening. Wholesale, retail, e-shop: - cultivation needs - growing substrates - fertilizers, lighting

Sale: - plastic windows and doors - flowers. Rental: - construction machinery.

Florist SLAMeNKA: -cut and dried flowers - wedding and mourning ties -seeds, seedlings -gardening supplies - flower arrangements according to the customer's wishes - delivery in and around Pilsen - interior decorations -potted flowers -gifts -dried fruits and nuts. FLOWERS/GIFTS/DECORATION/GARDEN office Pilsen, American ...

Horticulture: - sale of live flowers - arrangement works -realization of gardens -binding of wreaths - sale of trees, shrubs and seedlings -room flowers -substrates.

Composting plant. - substrates - compost

Horticulture: - ornamental trees - flowers - rocks - perennials - roses - azaleas - balcony flowers

Flower shop. Retail, sales: - cut and potted flowers - interior decorations, seasonal decorations - gift items - needs for creation. Shop: -Work 1099, 760 01 Zlín Phone: 721022332, 775123530.

Haulage - national - international - transportation of bulk materials - specialized semi-trailers of the WALKINGFLOOR type. Sale of mulch bark and wood chips.

The company Eurolank CZ deals with the wholesale sale and import of fresh cut greens and potted flowers. We provide transport with three of our own Scania trucks. You can already find our wholesalers in two cities, in Most and in Prague.

Sale - fertilizers - substrates Flower shop - tying cut flowers Horticulture

Retail, sales: - cut flowers - potted flowers - ceramics

Sale: - natural stone - facing stone - natural stone paving Garden center, sale: - ornamental and fruit trees - bushes - perennials - fertilizer, tools

Organizing: - workshops and seminars in the Czech Republic and abroad Cultivation and sale: - bonsai