Plumbing material

Plumbing material in the form of flexible hoses, taps, terminals, hose clamps, mounting material, tools, seals and tubes is the basis for the Plumbing work. Also falls under this category bathroom equipment, namely sinks, tubs and showers.

Termocentrum CZ, s.r.o.

Termocentrum CZ, s.r.o. je společnost, která se zabývá obchodní, montážní a servisní činností v oblasti topení, vody, plynu, kanalizace, koupelen, bílé techniky, elektro, čerpadel, zahradní techniky, elektronářadí a zboží propan butan. Firma sídlí v Čáslavi a působí na trhu již od roku 1998. Firma nabízí svým zákazníkům kompletní služby od návrhu až po realizaci projektů v oblasti vytápění,…

Radek Škorpík

Wholesale, retail, sales, assembly, service, advice, repairs: - swimming pools: - family, outdoor, indoor, exterior, interior, assembled steel, plastic, polypropylene, foil - whirlpool pools - massage and rehabilitation pools - accessories: - filters, chemical preparations for water treatment, steps, ladders, lighting, filter units incl. pumps, counter currents, automatic…

Pronto Říčany spol. s r.o.

The company Pronto Říčany spol. s r.o. deals with the sale of plumbing and heating materials and bathroom equipment. We sell pumps, heat pumps, boilers, solid fuel boilers, gas boilers, sanitary equipment, baths, showers, sinks, toilets, faucets. We also rent tools for plumbers. Sales of plumbing, heating materials and bathroom equipment: - storage tanks - fittings - electric, combined,…

Richter + Frenzel s.r.o.

Our company deals with wholesale and retail sales in the areas of heating, sanitation, installation materials. Heating: - radiators: - link cast iron, steel, aluminum - plate - bathroom fixtures - convectors - Fan-coils - boiler - water heaters - reservoirs and pressure vessels - expansion - fittings and radiator fittings. Sanitation: - medical ceramics -…

Richter + Frenzel s.r.o.

Our company deals with wholesale and retail sales in the areas of heating, sanitation, installation materials. Heating: - radiators: - link cast iron, steel, aluminum - plate - bathroom fixtures - convectors - Fan-coils - boiler - water heaters - reservoirs and pressure vessels - expansion - fittings and radiator fittings. Sanitation: - medical ceramics -…

Hydro BG CZ s.r.o.

Společnost Hydro BG CZ s.r.o. , která vznikla v roce 2002 je dceřinou společností rakouské společnosti Graspointner GmbH, která se zabývá vývojem, výrobou a prodejem jak betonových odvodňovacích žlabů BG Systém, tak i kabelových žlabů už déle jak 30 let.

Pavel Hostomský

Sales, service and installation of GOLEMEK heaters and accessories - wood-burning stove with the option of connecting to a heat exchanger Circle. BULLERIAN - wood stove. - hot air stove for solid fuels KORA, CAMELIA - steady-burning stove WAMSLER for wood, coal and coal briquettes SERVANT, CALOR. - cast iron fireplace inserts. - PROTHERM gas boilers - VERNER central heating…