Care for small, large and farm animals including vaccinations, examination using apparatuses x-RAY, USG and other biological analysers, tagging using the chips, the sale of veterinary products, surgical procedures, births and immediate solutions to acute cases.

Veterinary clinic - specialization in diseases of dogs and cats

Veterinarian doctor: internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, X-ray, sono, videoscope, biochemical laboratory. Regular vaccinations, chipping, tattooing, deworming, sale of pet supplies.

Are you looking for a veterinarian in the vicinity of Hradec Králové? Visit our veterinary surgery, we are located in Třebechovice pod Oreb. We offer treatment for small and large animals. We sell feed and veterinary diets. After a telephone agreement, we can also arrange a visit outside office hours and veterinary procedures at the owner's ...

Veterinary clinic "Pod Mostnou horou" MVDr. Petra Soldátka works in Litoměřice. Provides comprehensive veterinary care (prevention, treatment) for all types of animals. We also deal with consulting in the health, breeding and training of animals. We apply microchips. We issue PETPASES for traveling abroad with your pet. We perform: - ...

Looking for a veterinarian for your pet? We offer all professional veterinary activities. We carry out chipping of animals. In urgent cases, we also provide a non-stop ambulance service.

Veterinary laboratory and clinic Department: - internal medicine -surgery -orthopedics -dermatology -gynecology and reproduction - comprehensive X-ray examination -cardiology - dentistry -care for the geriatric patient -oncology. Alternative methods of treatment: acupuncture, homeopathy, laser therapy. Commercial Clinical ...

Operation of a veterinary clinic for small animals. Our services: - preventive medicine - dentistry - surgery - orthopedics - sale of feed and diets - salon for cats and dogs - dog school for puppies.

Branch. Veterinary infirmary, veterinary medicine. Veterinary services (veterinarian, vet). Preventive and curative veterinary interventions. Vaccination of dogs and cats. Sale: - food and supplies for dogs and cats. Residence: - Bruzovská 1852, Frýdek-Místek.

Branch. Veterinary infirmary, veterinary medicine. Veterinary services (veterinarian, vet). Preventive and simpler treatment procedures. Basic surgical operations (castration of dogs and cats, removal of claws, etc.). Chipping. Tattoo. Sale: - feed and pet supplies for dogs and cats. Residence: - Bruzovská 1852, Frýdek-Místek.

Veterinary clinic, veterinary medicine. Veterinary services (veterinarian, vet). Veterinary care: - common preventive and curative procedures - specialized orthopedic procedures - cardiology - surgery - digital x-ray - sonography - dental care. - hospitalization Sale: - food and supplies for dogs and cats - veterinary ...

Veterinary office, veterinary infirmary. Comprehensive veterinary services. X-ray, Sono, EKG, inhalation narcosis, therapeutic laser, radiology, DKK and DKL, pregnancy diagnostics, chipping, Europases, tattoos, hematology, histology. Office hours: - Monday 8:00 - 18:00 - Tuesday 8:00 - 17:00 - Wednesday 13:00 - 18:00 - Thursday 8:00 ...

Our veterinary office provides complete veterinary services. We treat small and farm animals. Office hours Prštice: Mon-Fri from 17:30-19:00, outside office hours by telephone arrangement. Office hours Strělice: Mon-Fri 3:30-6:30 p.m., Sat 8:30-10:30 a.m.

Offer of services of a veterinary clinic specializing in dogs and cats. Official assessment of hereditary defects - PATEL LUXATION IN ALL BREEDS. Emergency service by appointment by phone at 603 466 615. Running a dog nursery, orders and information on tel.: 608 811 655. Solutions and therapy for behavioral disorders in dogs and cats. Sale of ...

We operate a private veterinary clinic for small animals, dogs, cats and exotic animals.