Health care facilities general practitioners and specialists provides emergency assistance and long-term solutions to health problems. You can use both the state medical and health facilities, private practice, and pharmacies. Ability to purchase medicines, medical supplies and equipment.

General practitioner for children and adolescents. Surgery, ambulance: - child and adolescent doctor, pediatrician.

Gynecological surgery. Office hours: - Monday 8:00 - 14:00 - Tuesday 7:00 - 13:00 - Wednesday 10:00 - 16:00, for ordered 16:00 - 18:00 - Thursday 8:00 - 13:00, for ordered 7:00 - 8:00 - Friday 8:00 - 12:00

Cardiology - 732992951. Angiology and Center for Venous Diseases - 605169936. Dietetic counseling - 735056151.

IVF Zlín Czech Republic. Department of Reproductive Medicine and Gynecology. Care provided: - reproductive medicine - andrology clinic - gynecological clinic - consular gynecological activity - 100% service with accommodation.

Dentist, stomatology. MD Tomas Moravec. MD Lucie Moravcová.

Phlebological and surgical outpatient clinic: - general surgery - venous surgery - aesthetic, laser surgery.

Uherskohradiště hospital. Pharmacy - phone/fax: 572540655. Emergency - adults phone: 572552555, 572529445 - children phone: 572529664 Traffic health service - phone: 572552444 Free DZS line - phone: 800900155. Department: -Surgical ward - Orthopedic department -Department of tuberculosis and respiratory disease -Internal ...

Services in the entire scope of ambulatory gynecology and obstetrics. Prenatal diagnostics, care for pregnant women, ultrasound including 3D and 4D (live) imaging, infertility/sterility consulting room, office for the treatment of female urinary incontinence (weakened ability to hold urine, possibly occasional leakage of urine) - urodynamic ...

Surgery, services: - dentistry - dental care

We provide project and grant consultancy services: - vocational training of employees, - reduction of VOCs from paint shops, - primary care for children. Among other things, you can also visit our University of Conscious Life and educational courses: - communication school, - weekend course of conscious living, - brain and self-confidence ...