Pharmacy ensure the the sale of over-the-counter drugs, cosmetics, medical supplies, nutritional supplements, vitamins and minerals, dry goods, healthy food, teas, and other drugs, supplements and aids. Shop in a brick and mortar or internet pharmacies.

Our company LEBO, s.r.o. has been on the market for more than 23 years and its activities are focused on the sale of pharmaceutical products. We are a long-term pharmacy on the Czech market and we operate in seven pharmacies in the districts of Svitavy and Blansko. We sell over-the-counter drugs, means to support the health of a modern ...

Wholesale, retail, sales, distribution: - sale of medical products - incontinence aids from leading manufacturers on the market - medical compression stockings from Maxis and Lonaris - pressure gauges, scales, thermometers - orthopedic aids and balls - Ortex braces - tools for self-service Other activities are: - import and ...

NEW PHARMACY. Services: - dispensing - prescription drugs - preparation of individually manufactured medicines - issue and sale of medical equipment - additional sales - medicinal teas, children's cosmetics and nutrition, medical cosmetics, medical footwear. Online store, e-shop, e-shop, sale: - drugs, medicines - ...

NEW PHARMACY. Services: - dispensing - prescription drugs - preparation of individually manufactured medicines - issue and sale of medical equipment - additional sales - medicinal teas, children's cosmetics and nutrition, medical cosmetics, medical footwear. Online store, e-shop, e-shop, sale: - drugs, medicines - ...

NEW PHARMACY. Services: - dispensing - prescription drugs - preparation of individually manufactured medicines - issue and sale of medical equipment - additional sales - medicinal teas, children's cosmetics and nutrition, medical cosmetics, medical footwear. Online store, e-shop, e-shop, sale: - drugs, medicines - ...

NEW PHARMACY. Services: - dispensing - prescription drugs - preparation of individually manufactured medicines - issue and sale of medical equipment - additional sales - medicinal teas, children's cosmetics and nutrition, medical cosmetics, medical footwear. Online store, e-shop, e-shop, sale: - drugs, medicines - ...