You need drugs or medicines for your health problems? Pharmacies offer medicines for allergies, flu, colds, or pain problems with bones and joints. In their assortment you will find also dietary supplements, health aids, cosmetics, hygiene and more.

Ašská lékárna U Rentgena. We dispense prescription drugs. Over-the-counter medicines, food supplements, cosmetics and sports nutrition.

PHARMACY. Retail, sales: - medication

Sale: - medical preparations - herbal teas Services: - alternative medicine - health advice

Import and distribution: - vaccines -medicines -diagnostic serum -diagnostic devices -vaccines - glucometers -Material Safety Data Sheets -immunoglobins - basic biochemistry -devices for processing tests - rapid tests for general practitioners' offices -disinfection -sterilization. Green line 800123986.

Sale of herbs and healthy food. Production: - teas and minerals to deacidify the body, herbal teas, tinctures from buds - gemmotherapy and herbal tinctures, powdered herbs, food supplements - consulting on alternative medicine, iris diagnosis and healthy nutrition.

PHARMACY. Sale: - medication - over-the-counter medicines - prescription drugs - cosmetics - baby food - diapers - medical needs - orthopedic needs - vitamins - teas - medical equipment. Measurement of pressure, weight, pulse, height.

Are you struggling with an unpleasant pain that needs to be relieved as quickly as possible, are you suffering from intestinal problems or do you need to alleviate an allergic reaction? Visit our pharmacy, where information and advisory services are provided by certified pharmacists and pharmaceutical assistants. Lékárna Evropska offers a wide ...