You need drugs or medicines for your health problems? Pharmacies offer medicines for allergies, flu, colds, or pain problems with bones and joints. In their assortment you will find also dietary supplements, health aids, cosmetics, hygiene and more.

Production, sales, e-shop: - veterinary herbal preparations of the brand Phytovet.

PHARMACY. Retail, sales. - drugs, medicines - pharmaceutical products - homeopathy - therapeutic cosmetics - food supplements, vitamins - health shoes - baby food.

Lease: - medical technology - medical devices. Purchase, storage, sale: - medicinal products.

Publishing house, e-magazine and e-shop about health, e-shop for children's toys and accessories

Sale - medical footwear PHARMACY - herbal pharmacy

Sale and dispensing of medicines, medical supplies and food supplements. PHARMACY.

Distribution of medicines in the Czech Republic.

PHARMACY. Retail, sales: - drugs, medicines - therapeutic cosmetics.

PHARMACY. Retail: - pharmaceutical goods - medical goods -cosmetic goods -toiletries and drugstore goods

Sale - biological recombinant proteins - monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies