The hospital and clinics provide health assistance to people. Differentiate in individual departments, such as orthopedics, surgery, urology, allergology, skin and more. You can visit a private or state-owned clinics and polyclinics, hospitals, county or district.

Měšice Hospital - Center of Integrated Cancer Care z.s. acts as a non-profit medical facility with the so-called follow-up bed care. We take care of patients suffering from chronic internal diseases, treat post-surgical conditions, post-traumatic conditions and chronic national diseases. We devote ourselves to cancer patients and those who have ...

Sanatorium Topas s.r.o. - non-governmental medical facility focused on comprehensive care in the field of gerontopsychiatry.

Sanatorium for the mentally ill: - comprehensive care in the field of gerontopsychiatry.

Umbilical cord blood sampling: - cord blood processing incl. storage.

Oliva's children's hospital is a unique facility in Říčany near Prague combining health and social services. It helps children with diseases of the respiratory tract, locomotor system and children suffering from obesity. It has been operating since 1896, when it was opened as a nursery school. He still honors this tradition today in the form of a ...

Operation of a hospital with a polyclinic. II. Internal clinic: - Dermatovenereology clinic - Infectious Disease Clinic - TRN Clinic - Otorhinolaryngology clinic - Urology clinic. Department: - Anesthesiology and Resuscitation - Surgical ward - Internal Department - Department of Epidemiology - Department of Geriatrics - ...