The hospital and clinics provide health assistance to people. Differentiate in individual departments, such as orthopedics, surgery, urology, allergology, skin and more. You can visit a private or state-owned clinics and polyclinics, hospitals, county or district.

LEXUM OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL CESKE BUDEJOVICE Ophthalmic hospital. A wide range of methods for correction of refractive (dioptric) defects. An unique technology in the Czech Republic - excimer laser LADARVision4000 and aberometer LADARWave CustomCornea wavefront system. Eye laser surgeries (ophthalmologic laser), eye operations, laser sight ...

Private health-care facility of specialists in complete medical care: -not binding consultation, detail analysis -day surgery -operating methods used abroad -above standard postoperative care incl. residential treatment. Plastic surgery and aesthetic surgery: -face: -blefaroplasty, surgery of the upper or lower eye-lids -face lift, ...